


Applebee’s changed their logo and actually i dont like their old and new logo and even their food ! ((3ayaaal shako emsawey post ! … Madrey 7arooney))


This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 13th, 2007 at 9:54 pm

10 Responses to “Applebee’s Changed Their Logo”

  1. Yousef says:

    I suggest they change their recipes instead.

  2. Mishary says:

    wlla ela eghayroon el ma63am ebkobra wegolbona hindi !

  3. Mishary says:

    INTER-DE-MILANO, Sij ya loco hal kalam !?!?!?!? afa wala afa !

  4. INTER-DE-MILANO says:

    Mishary kiliish mo kareehoom misharri πŸ˜› min igooool πŸ˜› layesme3eek loco bas 3ad thaak imooot 3alaa il chicken strips madre tenders πŸ˜›

  5. pumkinah says:

    latyeebooon 6aree food mn el 9eb7 a7naaa nyooooooooo3 πŸ˜›

  6. Hamad says:

    try the porterhouse steak china hatha esemha its a t-bone wayed 7elwah oho elmonqith etha kint bel shalaihat

  7. Mishary says:

    Hamad, wain mokanaa ?

    pumkinah, lazem enawee3 πŸ™‚

  8. Hamad says:

    mangaf saved bel NAV 3endi

  9. Mj says:

    BTW: Applebee’s maal meno?

    Egyptian staff, I can only think of one guy..maghairah?

  10. Mishary says:

    Mj i dont know wallah and BTW welcome 2 our blog.