

Many of us ((except ME)) like reading and also want to store his own book by a shelf BUT hey .. what about movable shelf ? Ohh i forgot and what about movable shelf AND chair? that can store your favorite books.



If your interested here is the LINK

And if u like a none movable version of it here is it:



More info here.


This entry was posted on Saturday, November 3rd, 2007 at 10:57 pm

No Responses to “Chair OR Books Shelf ?”

  1. Yousef says:

    I loved the last ones

  2. loco says:

    very cool! waayeed 7eelween she’3el 3adel.

  3. Mishary says:

    bas ana kelesh kelesh mo styley .. ma3ana ana ely emsawelah post .. o BTW ur blog NICE !

  4. Boink Blogs says:

    […] OR Books Shelf ? Mishary added an interesting post today on Chair OR Books Shelf ?Here’s a small readingMany of us […]

  5. INTER-DE-MILANO says:

    3ajeeeeeeeeeeb mashalaaaa 😀 bas hatha ana ma7ee6 feeh books a7ee6 feeh kakaaaw 😛 ow baketat zegayer (sabeeqaan) 😛
    ow yadat playstation 😛

  6. Mishary says:

    INTER-DE-MILANO, kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak wala saaaaaaaaj o cong. 3ala el zegayeeer walah eftakaait !

  7. pumkinah says:

    i was thinking all night shel 7ekma mn el wheel ? 😛 can any one answers me plz

  8. Mishary says:

    pumkinah, ana agoleech .. alah esalmech hatha etha wa7ed 3aleeeech o emlawe3 chabdeeech eb hal kersy wohwa yegraa etkhalena yegraa o edezenaa laima etwadenaa dar thalma wtge6ena fehaa ohwa o kerseyaa o teftakaain men wayhaa < — sij 7arneeey ely ga3ed yegraa !! 😛

  9. pumkinah says:

    olah olah leesh eta3eb 3mrek wehwa yegra deza li el blakona aw el jama 😛 dar thalma oo madre shno 😛 wala 3abalaaaaaaaah … b3deen think positive 😛 gool 3shan en7e6a bl 7adeqa o nel3b play station 3leh o nakl mena kakaw 3la golat inter 😛 wetha naam dazeenah ohwa o kerseyaah inside the house o 7grnaah il el 9eb7 😛

  10. Mishary says:

    pumkinah, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

    Yousef, ee walah saaaaaaaaaaaaj !

  11. Yousef says:

    o laish dar thalma aw balakona.. itha sij 7arkom dezzoh 3aldaray! 😀

  12. pumkinah says:

    hehehehehe yosef mujrem 😛 a7na 9ij mo wayh el kersi bu wheel hatha 7g el nass el 9a7een ooo bsss 😛 khoofik b3d el yahal sheya6een yl3boon feeh bl 7oosh m3a hl wheel 😛 3ad a7na wayd 3ndena hl 7arakat 😛