


“walla dawart 7achy akteba malegait” So NO COMMENTS !


This entry was posted on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 at 12:49 am

No Responses to “No Comments !”

  1. Hamad says:

    lol.. i didnt get the idea even.. shino hathi shitsawi ya3ni

  2. Mishary says:

    Hamad Hathy makenaa ya3ni tegdar etsaded fehaa kel shay fawateer mobile may kahrabaa .. maskenaa el felebeneyaa yaya tegolena el momayezat o bedha le3laan chan engolaha belawal ketbaw kalamkom 3adel then 3almonaa chan tegool sorry 🙂

  3. Hamad says:

    ya3ni this thing owned by the gov. ?

  4. Mishary says:

    Hamad laa laa a3teqed sharekaaa ..

  5. dots... says:

    ytkalimoun 3an il teknelojya w ysaw8oolha w te8aniyat el “spell check” fil microsoft word shaklhom nesoha !

    an8hr men il da3ayat ili chi !

  6. Mishary says:

    dots… hehehehehehehehehe 🙂

  7. Stewie says:

    i bet the writer feeh 3rj 3eemy 😀 LOL thanx

  8. Mishary says:

    Stewie Hehehehehehehehehe ee walah men yadri 🙂