


I think the designers r really creative in these bags.

For more information and to see the full collection also you can order them directly Here.

P.S. They r around KD90 which is costly on a laptop bag i think.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 7th, 2007 at 12:23 am

No Responses to “Not a Laptop bag”

  1. pumkinah says:

    wala 7ilween bs i agree costy for a labtop bag .. oo shway big 3la my mac 😛

  2. pumkinah says:

    although il green 7ilwa 😛 3ajbne el gun 😛

  3. INTER-DE-MILANO says:

    No Comment !! 😛

  4. Mishary says:

    pumkinah, 7eta ana 3ajebny el akhthaaar el gun bas wayeed 3alaihaa 90 KD tara .. ana atakhayal law ga3ed amshy fehaa ebma6aar aw shay chethy shino el reaction 🙂

  5. loco says:

    hehe yabeela wa7da 3aleeha 3alamat M (mcdonalds) hehe

  6. Mishary says:

    loco .. sij enek eb6aineeeeeeeeeey 🙂