

Our lunch! 🙂



when I first saw it on the table my heart went

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This entry was posted on Sunday, December 2nd, 2007 at 3:37 am

No Responses to “Muchboos Chicken!”

  1. loco says:

    bel 3afyah shakala eshaweeg 😛 bas chena nag9a el fanta bel a7ra el 2 fanta

  2. Mishary says:

    Yousef 3asa with extra oil in daqoooos !!! 😛

  3. dots... says:

    el sound effect 3ajeeb ! lool

  4. Yousef says:

    loco laaa lay6oofik ilmay wallah! may filter o 7i6a bilthalaja 😛 3ajeeb igoolik!

    Mishary ilraqaba man3ita 😛

    dots… trying to capture the moment LOL! 😀

  5. dots... says:

    Yousef.. i bet you did ! 3alaik bel 3afyeh

  6. pumkinah says:

    ared wagooool el sa3a 12;12 wana bamoooooooot mn el yooooooo3 😛 mo met3ashyaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bakel le6wafffff 😛

  7. pumkinah says:

    el moseqaa 3ajeeeba 😛

  8. Outkasty says:

    LOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! 7addaaa Halleelluujjaaaah 😛

  9. Yousef says:

    dots… allah i3afeech 🙂

    pumkinah LOL sorry! gilna we must eat before we enter this blog 😀

    outkasty LOL kan sho3oooor 7ilow! 😀