

Posted By Yousef


Finally, the Net is back!!!! sij laigalaw, you don’t know what you got till its gone! I’ve got so many things I want to do.. I want to check every site out there, check all of my emails and reply to them all (even the ones that don’t need replies) and download every possible file! I missed having the world at my finger tips! 😀


This entry was posted on Friday, December 28th, 2007 at 12:39 am

No Responses to “The Net Is BACK!”

  1. loco says:

    looool welcome back 😛

  2. pumkinah says:

    welcome back .. and we are waitting for the pictures !

  3. Yousef says:

    loco shokran 🙂

    pumkinah inshallah bikoon ako many pictures to come 🙂 bs akhalis min il finals inshallah… id3ooly!!! 😀