

Posted By Mishary.


Yesterday i was in the Oula Petrol Station and i noticed that they’ve changed their machines, Actually i was surprised coz this is the ONLY change that made from “el khaskhasa” ? 3ayal laish khasesohaa Then?


They’ve accepting now most of the major credit cards which is esara7a good.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 27th, 2008 at 12:14 am

No Responses to “Al-Oula New Machines”

  1. loco says:

    ee ya m3awad 5al yaqbloon el Knet! mo ely 3endeena emsaween ethrab ma yaqbaloon walla shay !!!! lazem CASH :S

  2. Hasan.B says:

    Very nice

  3. […] and pay. Now where are the gas station mini markets I heard we would get after the privatization? [Link]  Print  Email Feb 27, […]

  4. TripleM says:

    Looks allot better

  5. the accepted here is only if you drive down to the cashier guy not the pumper machine which i find stupid. the only thing different about these new machines is the way they look period!!
    oula claims that the normal kuwaiti person wouldn’t wanna use his credit card to pay coz not everyone has a credit card!!!
    i had this discussion with the team who was assigned to choose the new machines!!!
    most of them are ex KOC guys who don’t know $HIT

  6. Mishary says:

    Deera Chat Family “most of them are ex KOC guys” Really ?

  7. […] days ago i got a letter from Oula Fuel Marketing Company thanking me for my posts regarding their new machines and their mini mobile […]