


Need I say more?

Thanks loco. Source.


This entry was posted on Thursday, February 28th, 2008 at 1:12 am

No Responses to “Hala Embarrassment”

  1. mentabolism says:

    translate por favor

  2. amer says:

    hahahaha i love it!

  3. Ms Loala says:

    I only heard of Albahar mall 😐

  4. anony says:

    wheres the embarassment?>

  5. Ali says:

    ya etsawon shy 3ala o9ola methil agrab dera 3alina ” Dubai” wela latsawoooon manabeeh

  6. pumkinah says:

    aham shy wla mojma3 ray7t lh !!
    btw ( lq8 testahel ) what ? enhaleg 3shanha ? 😛

  7. Yousef says:

    mentabolism A major shopping festival with only 6 obscure malls as participants. 🙂
    amer 😀
    Ms Loala Lucky You! 😛
    anony look harder 😛
    Ali ee wallah 9aj! bs la mara7 no9al mowa9eel Dubai wa7na hathail rabe3na.
    pumkinah BITHAB6! lol 😛

  8. Angelo says:

    More like “Cheap & Rip-off” Complex.

  9. mentabolism says:

    ah i see….I agree…how come the big malls were left out??!! Straange

  10. Yousef says:

    Angelo yes exactly! its like there are people working against Hala febrayir and trying to bring it down! 🙄 Sad.

    mentabolism I’m not sure if they were left out. its more like they didn’t want to participate in this embarrassing festival (not sure. only my opinion)