

Posted By Mishary.


Chocolate-Pencils is the product of a collaboration pairing Japanese architect and designer Oki Sato with patissier (and Iron Chef champion) Tsujiguchi Hironobu, the man behind Tokyo’s boutique dessert shops Mont St. Claire and Le Chocolat de H. Subtle tableware effectively displays the gourmet chocolate and includes a special “pencil sharpener” for grating over a dessert. The pencils operate under the concept that shavings, which are generally regarded as a waste product, are now the main focus.

Hatha yenfa3 7ag ely e7e6ooon el qalam eb7aljhoom wohma efakrooon 😛
Want to order it ? Click HERE.
Thanks to Ahmad 😛


This entry was posted on Saturday, March 1st, 2008 at 5:47 pm

No Responses to “Chocolate Pencils”

  1. blasha says:

    i didn’t read shno maktoob… bs abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  2. Mishary says:

    blasha Hehehehehehe esara7a me 2 🙂

  3. 5ermesS says:

    me 2 6LBoOolly m3akm ;D