

Yesterday i was shocked, i found out that Ahmad was an Apple user once, long time ago. he was using an OS called Apple II, According to Ahmad, Apple’s first OS was Apple I then they updated it to Apple II (which he used back then) Bs 7asafa he went back to the dark side again.. to windows πŸ™ yalla ma3alaih marada be3aref 6ereej el saa7 inshalla πŸ˜›

I found out some magazines about the Apple II OS which Ahmad read. they were issued on 1987 which is almost 21 years ago! πŸ™‚

My thanks this times goes to Labeeba.


This entry was posted on Saturday, June 14th, 2008 at 12:10 pm

7 Responses to “Apple II Magazine”

  1. […] Apple II Magazine Yesterday i was shocked, i found out that Ahmad was an Apple user long ago, he was using an OS called Apple II, According to Ahmed Apple’s first OS… […]

  2. Ahmad says:

    It was not called an OS at that time. It was simply a computer.

    It was an Apple IIe (or //e as some ppl write it) with an expanded memory of 128KB, two floppy disk drives, green monitor, and an image writer dot matrix printer.

    In those days it cost me (or rather my father) around KD 1057. Apples were very expensive and that’s why not many people were able to afford them.

  3. Ali says:

    Ahmed al7en tetwaga3 apple eb chm teshtreh menk ? πŸ˜›

  4. 9k2hn says:

    I used this Apple IIe Ahmad bought till 1993 for saving some data, It was very useful.

  5. Om FasoOoL says:

    heheheh yousif .. i bought the same computer with green monitor almost the same time. It had a very small screen that remind me of ET head. We used it for so any years and most of the time it looks like a DOS screen. I now use windows πŸ™‚

  6. Mishary says:

    Om FasoOoL Hehehehehehehe waaaaaih 7eta intay using windows mako faydaa fekom hal 3aylaa modmenaa windows 7eta my wife i bought for her a windows laptop o BTW im posting this one Yousef fe roboo3 swiss now πŸ˜›

  7. Om FasoOoL says:

    Mishary … e7na men zeman ele esaweh a7mad warah … la mesha el sayyed meshaina .. awl sakhar .. ba3dain apple o warah .. 3agob 3ad kobarna πŸ˜›
    ya bakhat yousif hnak wanasa o barad mo e7na ghbaar mot.