

A whole post dedicated to Goats’ town is coming up soon. 🙂


This entry was posted on Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at 8:36 pm

7 Responses to “Cottage in Goats’ Town”

  1. almama says:

    when i saw the cottage for the first time it looked like its still growing up and will change later, but after many years nothing happened, like everything else in this country.

  2. Ali says:


  3. pumkinah says:

    waaaay nfs le9bakha ele jedam bitna ! 😛

  4. um-mit3ib says:

    entaw chinkom itro7on wayed amaken akthar mina ?

    chiny 7tarait

  5. Yousef says:

    almama yes! it looked as if it will grow even more, it looks to tiny and short between the rocks like that 🙂 and yeah, nothing changes in this country, even their people, many years later and they still say “Jost AA Litol” when we ask if they speak english 😀

    :::ShoSho::: Thank You 🙂

    Ali 3ashon 3ayal 😉

    pumkinah LOL!

    um-mit3ib don’t put “shopping” on the top 5 spots in your “top 10 things to do while on vaction” list and you’ll see more than you could imagine 😛