

Can you guess what those things are?


Ok so those things aren’t as uncommon as I thought they’d be.. You got it right, all of you 😛 They’re salt & paper shakers. We got the white and blue couple.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 12th, 2008 at 11:03 am

14 Responses to “Group Hug”

  1. sasha says:

    salt and pepper shakers?

  2. Ahmad says:

    I have a couple of those!

  3. :::ShoSho::: says:

    salt and pepper shakers?

  4. The Talker says:

    يلا وياهم … ملاحه ^^

  5. I have a couple of those!

    Loool since elkil gam ebog ajwbat ethani, so will i

  6. DVLz says:

    Yaaay sasha you win, those are actually called

    Ceramic Love Hug Couple Salt And Pepper Shakers

    and I don’t have them just seen them somewhere couple weeks back.

  7. technogal says:

    I have one of those but instead of couple hugging, mine are dolphins 🙂

  8. pumkinah says:

    golo lena mn wain neshtereehum

  9. Yousef says:

    pumkinah We got ours from France bs yimkin you can find them in Kuwait, not sure.

  10. um-mit3ib says:

    i saw these ib anncey last week !!

  11. Yousef says:

    um-mit3ib the shop near a brigde and in a da3oos? 😛

  12. um-mit3ib says:

    ee na3am ! 😛

  13. Ansam says:

    ohhh i love them! where did you get them from??

  14. 3bady says:

    i want a222 black and green ;P