

Me and my family and Yousef will be going to Dubai today just for the
weekend. We’ll be posting from there, everything will go as usual but expect more mobile blogging 🙂


This entry was posted on Thursday, August 14th, 2008 at 9:13 am

6 Responses to “Off To Dubai”

  1. mo3ath says:

    darb el salamah 🙂

    HaVe FuN

  2. Adrenaline says:

    is this the real rout of the plane?

  3. Mishary says:

    mo3ath Thanks 🙂

    Adrenaline Heheheheheheh Nope 🙂

  4. Yousef says:

    Mishary i’m not going to blog via mobile.. i think its impossible to blog using a mobile when the mobile is k800i 😛 so yeah I’m gonna blog the old fashioned way..

  5. Ali says:

    bl salama nshalaaah .. o have fun 🙂

  6. um-mit3ib says:

    yousef tawek rad il deera

    mako sifar.. ig3ad bil bait;p