

I think this is the most expensive babyfoot game, its located in Dubai and mostly is made of gold and silver.

and here comes the funny part it cost ONLY KD42,000 ๐Ÿ™‚

I think no need to mention the link for buying the thing but if you’re still interested in buying it just email me and i will tell you where to find it ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks INM


This entry was posted on Friday, November 28th, 2008 at 6:42 pm

12 Responses to “The Most Expensive Babyfoot”

  1. Ansam says:

    YIKES! It would so fit into a pimp’s house that is so much into bling-bling! ughhhhhh

  2. SAEED says:

    i need that link please ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Nasser AlMulaifi says:

    Thats at Harvey Nichols Mall of the Emirates

  4. liliuokalani says:

    its fooz ball.

  5. Pure says:

    @ liliuokalani, it is also called babyfoot : )

    it is called foozball in US and Canada .. and babyfoot in France, but it is also widely known here as babyfoot as well .

  6. TaLaL says:

    yeah I saw it in harvey nickels in Dubai ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. blogger says:

    he stole ur topic !!!

  8. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    WOW! That would be a nice “Housewarming Gift” for Obama lol

  9. ... says:

    42 alf dinar eshwaya for babyfoot? ;p

  10. i never thought i would say this but abraj, actually, the vuitton one is very elegantly done!