


Been thinking of buying a mobile for a very long time now (proof), I was thinking of buying the new iphone so Mishary kindly lent me his 1st gen iPhone so I could try it out. I loved the iPhone, one of the best mobiles out there and there is nothing wrong with it.. except when you wanna write an sms while driving.. Coz there were a couple of times where I was on the verge of breaking the car’s window with my fist and throw the mobile infront of my car so I could run over it. It drove me crazy. But other than that, I loved the iphone 😛

So anyway, My brother bought me the Bold as a birthday gift and I’m yet to put my sim in to try it out.

P.S. Mishary I’m gonna need your help. Expect one long phone call from me 😛


This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 at 6:57 pm

14 Responses to “Got Bold”

  1. Mishary says:

    Aham shay eshtereeek ba3daaain call me !! coz kel shay ye3temed 3al eshteraaak 🙂 mo tegoool maleeey khelg arooo7 !! 🙂 o haaam mabroook o welcome to the group 🙂

  2. Yousef says:

    ishtarakt! okhoy maga99ar 3a6ahom raqmy o charrejaw 7saby ilyoom 😛

  3. i don't think it's requierd says:

    shino no3 el ishterak
    fee anwa3 wela bas no3 wa7ed ?

  4. Delly says:

    bil embarak!
    i have a question: why is blackberry habbat leq8yeen??????

  5. Eddy says:


  6. mo3ath says:

    mabroook , iphone is great but without typing while u drive 😛

    thats why i have 2 phones 🙂

  7. aham shay for smsing while driving! thats dangerous fool!
    and get ready for the millions of problems that plague any bb

  8. Dee says:

    would u pleaseeeee lend me ur brother for a day? :p
    3laik bl3afya ;p

  9. Hamad says:

    yousef, fe tons of websites/forums for support just google any question and u’ll find a lot of pages. lay’atheek mishary mara7 te7tajah ;r

    w khetaman lel comment law ana minik asaly rak3etain sheker ena 3endi okho mithly.

  10. Pure says:

    Congrats n 3alaik bil 3afya 😉 .. As much as i like it i dont think that i’ll be getting one any time soon !

  11. Yousef says:

    i don’t think it’s requierd there is 2 subscribtions types: 14kd and works only in Kuwait or 26kd and works globally.

    Delly ee sa7 ohwa habba. bs ako nas ye7tajona o ako nas la2. ana binisba ly lama al7een madry itha bastefeed minna wila la2 🙂

    mo3ath I wouldn’t like carrying 2 phones around all the time 🙂

    miss ghesquiere I have a warranty and will throw it at them whenever I encounter any problem.. 😉

    Dee Allah y3afeech.. inshallah elyoom adezlekom okhoy 😛

    um-mit3ib Fashar! aslan mobilich embag 😛

    Hamad khal il6aabi2 mastoor 😛

    Pure Allah y3afeech 🙂

  12. Delly says:

    that day someone told me that il hailag says ” telephone eli msgat ebalash ” looool

  13. um-mit3ib says:

    w sharait wa7id thany ;p