


We’re excited to announce to you guys our first sponsors for this website, Zain, our very first. The ad can be seen on the right sidebar.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 10th, 2009 at 9:22 pm

24 Responses to “Our First Sponsors”

  1. Ali says:

    MabroooooK .. wtestahloon wala # 1 3ala 6ool ya raab 😉

  2. Jacqui says:

    why don’t you give us some info about their latest products, the ads are filled but we want to know how their product works, their prices, and stuff and navigating to their site isn’t always that easy 🙂

  3. Ahmad says:

    Congratulations guys, inshalla they’ll be only your first and not your last!

  4. Abdulmohsen says:

    mabrookeen o minha lil a3la inshallah! 🙂 walla tistahloon o akthar ba3ad.

  5. Pure says:

    congratulations yousef and mishary 😀

    u really deserve all the best .. Keep up the good work ! 🙂

  6. 1001Nights says:

    WOW! Mashalla already getting ads on your website and you’re not even that old in blogosphere years! Bravo 3alaikum wulla inshalla dayman you get sponsors and readers and minha ila ila3la!

  7. Fawaz says:

    alf alf mabroooooooooooKKKKKKK :))))
    inshala inshoof il right side killa ads…. alf mabrook tistahloon il ad min ziman.

    keep it up guys,

  8. bo9ale7 says:

    Yalla menha lela3laaaa enshalla testahlooon kil khair 😛

  9. Dee says:

    Mabrouk! walla testahloun akthar =)

  10. Marzouq says:

    Yala tistahloon kil khair! 🙂

    You guys honestly make creative and useful posts! Keeps people coming back and thats what counts! 😀

  11. Bo walaad says:

    wa a5eeeeeeeran !!

  12. um.mit3ib says:

    yah yah yah sirtaw kashkha;p

  13. somechick says:

    thats zaaaiiin 😛 mabrook alwan their ad 7eda perfect ma3a ur site theme 🙂 yla menha lila3la inshallah

  14. Abdullah says:

    Mabrokeen o testahlon
    o min zain elaaa azyan ensha2 allah

  15. Hamad says:

    mabroooooooooooooooooook 😀

  16. Sulaiman says:

    mabroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooK tistahloooon 3sa alah yatamim 3lakoum inshlah :D:D:D

  17. joy says:

    الف الف مبروووك
    من هذا الى اعلى تستاهلوووون كل خييييييييييييييييييييير

  18. HKR says:

    keep it up

  19. HBZ says:

    MAbroooooooooooKKKKKK !!!

  20. i don't think it's requierd says:

    you’ve got to see this

  21. ROUDAN says:


  22. Bu Yousef says:

    A good sponsor of a great blog… Mabrouk 🙂

  23. Khalid says:

    bel embarak inshalah! :).. tistahloon wala..