


It will cost around 25 million KD and will be located in front of Souq AlSalmiya (the empty area where all the Hajj 7amlaas are there and the circus). It’ll also have football and basketball fields.

Thanks 9K2HN


This entry was posted on Saturday, February 14th, 2009 at 12:22 am

11 Responses to “The New Salmiya Park”

  1. HKR says:

    wain elmasafe6 !!! 3balhoom methel el hyde park ayoulha el nas mashee! ;/

  2. bo3zeez says:

    حسافه والله 25 مليون وآخرتها الشير ناشف والبحيرات وصخه والطوف مكتوب عليهم بصبغ رش (طز الاجناب وعز العوا؟؟؟؟؟؟)
    ابي افهم هالحكومه ماتفهم ولا اهيا بوقه يديده ليش يعني مايسوونها صالات مغلقه وفيها ملاعب او حتى فيها العاب اطفال منو الذكي اللي اخذ هذا القرار وسواها حديقه بسنا تعبنا وملينا من هاديناصورااااااات اللي بحكومتنا وبجهازها الاداري نبي شبااااب عندهم افكار يديده تفيد البلد مو تبوق البلد ادري طولت بس بنفجر وسامحوني

  3. Hamad says:

    walla ana ashofha ena khosh fekra ne6raw lain enshoof el presentation or some interview with the company w 7ekmaw enshallah etkoon 7elwa..

  4. Happy Valentino! says:

    And where do people park their cars, may I ask ? It has all the bearings of a Regents Park or a Kensington Garden but with the kind of cleaning companies there are in Kuwait, it is anybody’s guess how completely strewn with litter the park is going to be every morning.
    Kuwait needs more of such green belts and parks in every governorate.

  5. L says:

    I love ur photos!
    i’m a beginner at photography myself, and il zoom ilii ib my lense is good bas mu thak ilzood.. fa I was wondering if you could recommend a lense il zoom wayed zain feeha??

    Thank you!

  6. Marzouq says:

    Its an admirable project, but as usual its going to be mismanaged and a lot of the money will be stolen like Jaber Stadium.

    Then there is the maintenance which will require fund and resource management! They should really take advantage of that area because of its location and make a real study of the traffic that they will have, not to depend on the small roads that is currently surround it, or else it will turn into another Duwar al Jawaazat problem.

    They should make a large venue hall for concerts or expos! Mishref is falling apart!

  7. Bu Yousef says:

    Greeeeeeeeeeeeeen. I hope this materialises… Can’t wait to see it. Maybe the other areas in Kuwait can use it as a blue-print. I will certainly look at some of the plants they will use for my little garden. 25 million… more or less… it’s money well spent 🙂 When will it open?

    Marzouq – I agree with you. I hope it’s different this time.

  8. Burberry in Mulberry's clothing says:

    So where is the old Salmiya park then?

  9. eshda3wa says:

    when is it due to open ?

    hopefully in this life time ?

  10. Fawaz says:

    mamiddanna insoolif 3anha last thurs.
    o 3an il monaqaa99a (yousef) 🙂

  11. Bojacob says:

    yeah yeah bridge, railroad, megacity, tourist island, fiber optics, megagarden, tallest buildings

    forgive me if I’m a bit disillusioned.