

Who hasn’t tried the Bahraini halwa and just fell in love with it? I’m guessing none. It’s one of the best arabic sweets around, especially when it’s from AlShuwaiter. It is one of those “must bring some back to my family and friends” whenever we’re in Bahrain. INM took some pictures when he was in Bahrain a couple of weeks ago to share them with you guys. He said that they prepare the halwa infront of you and pack it on demand. The Halwa ranges from KD1.5 to KD3.5, according to it’s kind and the amount of nuts in it.

Thanks INM & ANM


This entry was posted on Monday, March 30th, 2009 at 6:54 am

12 Responses to “Bahraini Halwa: AlShuwaiter”

  1. Marzouq says:

    That looks like it will give you a heart attack!

  2. Daddy's Girl says:


    My favourite part is waiting for them to bring the big pots of halwa in that little aluminum cart, o its piping hot, o its smell would be wafting over to you… then they would give you some to taste… then pour it o pack it up for u…

    If u go in the morning, u can grab several boxes o fly back in the same day at night… the box would be HOT o when u taste it by night it is nothing like any other 7alwa you have ever eaten before… for one thing its liquidish

    O ako wa7ed weld il jassim ham il 7alwa maltah a7la min shwai6er
    o one of the showai6rat does something called 7alwa malakiya its not red it is yellow o they pour it in little cupcake cups o u have to order it one day in advance… it is another level of taste all together!!!

  3. Laialy_q8 says:

    I wan in Bahrain last month, my first trip too and we made a stop there … but actually I don’t like Halwa :/

  4. Hasan.B says:

    Aham shay ena el a9li:P

  5. FAH-Buzberry says:

    Mmmm.. I like 7alwa bas itsawy 7arij;p

  6. Ali says:

    wlash 7ag space kbera bain el posted wel by wel Mishary ;p

  7. Yousef says:

    fixed ya Ali 😛

  8. HKR says:

    shakilhaa daaafyaaa etshaweeeg … maal teshrabhaa bil ma3oon ele bedaah ;Pp

  9. Yousef says:

    HKR yaa 7ibbik lisheera! 😛

  10. A.I. says:

    eshda3wa mishary, ma hashna shay min hal 7alwa on friday?

  11. Q80 In Denver says:

    I really believe bahraini 7alwa is like jelly! if u really like 7alwa .. OMANI 7alwa beats bahraini 7alwa by a MILE! try to get one when u go to oman and ask for “Barkaa” 7alwa specifically .. u will see the difference immediately 🙂

  12. Maggie in Qatar says:

    A friend went to Bahrain and brought me some halwa (I live and work in Qatar). I LOVE IT. But I’d really like to find the nutritional information on it….even if it were just the calories! Any ideas?? 🙂