

Laughing Gas in Kuwait

My Mom just told me that her dentist told her they’ve ordered laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) and they’ll receive it soon.

It never occured to me to ask for this laughing gas as a form of anesthetic instead of needles. Is it available in Kuwait? My Mother’s doctor was excited about it when she was telling her.. Mom goes to a private clinic, not a well known one, so I’m not sure if they’re behind when it comes to this Gas, or is it because this Gas isn’t available/used in Kuwait.

Any idea? coz I’m sure gonna ask for it instead if it’s available.


This entry was posted on Monday, November 16th, 2009 at 10:43 pm

13 Responses to “Laughing Gas in Kuwait?”

  1. الي اعرفه ان الغاز الي يستعملونه بالسيارات الNOS
    اهو نفسه غاز الضحك

    وتقدر تشتريه بالشويخ بدوار الاوكسجين

  2. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    My mom goes to the same clinic! lol shuf mnu mad7a 7g elthani?! lool. We should all get the laughing gas! keep it in our rooms whenever we feel blue, just pull it out and laugh our gloominess away lol. Just keep me updated when they get it! lol

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  4. Abid says:


    You can die if you do that…..

  5. ryo0omah says:

    i don’t know if they r using it in dentist clinics o am almost sure that they don’t bas u can only have it if u r in LABOUR and deliviring 😛 in ur case never , i had it ,, its mmm.. shway 3abee6 😛

  6. […] Laughing Gas in Kuwait? « SOME contrast Share and […]

  7. Miss Remote Control says:

    Based on what I know it’s banned. A few years back I asked if they had it in Kuwait and I was told by my dentist (private also) that it is not approved of by the ministry of health.

  8. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    “Abid” OBVIOUSLY I was J.K! LOL
    Thanks for ur concern though..

    Isn’t that the same as the one they use when giving birth?

  9. 1mumil says:

    Well to be frank with you guys it is nothing new, the gas has always been available for medical uses in Kuwait, I don’t know about dental clinics, but I’m sure that they use it in the delivery room -for delivering babies you know- in all hospitals that has the room, weather governmental or private.

    I don’t know about other medical practices though, but the thing I’m saying is that the gas has been here for a long time for medical purposes.

  10. Yousef says:

    Wa6n_3Mri madry sh3indehom iro7on 7ag hal clinic bithaat 😛

    Miss Remote Control so maybe it got approved for dental use?

    بلوق حصيصه عمتي lol thanks for the directions

    1mumil I see, ok I’m gonna ask the next time I’m at the dentist.

    ryo0omah “i had it ,, its mmm.. shway 3abee6” << lol this is funny!

  11. Monira Q says:

    First of all, I’m a silent reader (enjoy your posts), but this topic is a topic I couldn’t resist commenting on…I used to have the most terrible phobia from dentists, and I had to have work done as soon as possible but I would go to the dentist, freak out and go back home. I finally found laughing gas in Dar Al Shifas dentistry department …and I didn’t think it would work but it was a miracle. It calmed me down, and made the 2 root canals blurry and easygoing. I’m the type of person who thought I’d never ever get a shot injected in my gums…bes walla i had a couple of shots! The dentist who did do the procedure for me has left Dar AL Shifa, but the laughing gas can still be found in the hospital. From what I understood, only specific hospitals provide laughing gas and private dental clinics can’t. One more thing I should mention is after my procedure, I went back to the dentist and I didn’t need laughing gas anymore, because I wasn’t scared anymore, I just needed it for the first time! I hope that helps 🙂

  12. Yousef says:

    Monira Q Thats a great story! Thanks for sharing and I’m glad that this dentist phobia you had is gone for good now 🙂

  13. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    Yallah everyone fougaa Dar elShifaa! lool
    Yousef, 3lmi 3lmik! maybe when they leave they get a lolly-pop! ;p lool or maybe a hobby they enjoy doing togther! lol they even dragged my little bro to this place! wegouli madri laish khabena 3laih! lool ;P