

We had a meeting a few weeks back, along with a couple of bloggers, with the people at Zain. We were told about this new payment method, among other interesting things. Read what is OnePay below, and if you have any question regarding OnePay, type your question in the comments box and we’ll have someone answering them for you!

“Zain have launched today a new web service under the name “Zain OnePay”. This new payment gateway unifies the previous three different payment options on Zain’s website (QuickPay, eeZee Fast, and eeZee cards). Once you enter your mobile number it will automatically identify your line type (Postpaid or Prepaid) and then leads you to the best options available for your mobile number. Add to that, the change in transaction speed; much faster now!”

The picture and what’s in bold were shamelessly stolen from Blog37


This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 at 12:00 am

11 Responses to “Zain OnePay”

  1. Zain blekh says:

    they are stupid. it’s not like there 100000 options in order for me to need a stupid “payment” method to tell me which are the best options available. What they did is a small update to what was already there.

    Tell them no one needs to ask them any question because what they offer is all old and from ancient times.

  2. Hamad says:

    6ageenik? laish em3asib lol

  3. Nasser says:

    Mr. Zain blekh, thanks for the input 🙂

    If anyone would like to ask questions and “level up” the talk i’m ready 🙂

    thank you 🙂

  4. Ali says:

    هناك مشكله تواجه الجكيع تقريبا و هي انشغال الشبكه عندما تجري اتصال ارضي الى شبكه زين

  5. Nasser says:

    يعطيك العافية أخ علي، و شكرا على السؤال.

    المشكلة اللي تفضلت فيها هي مشكلة عامة و لا تقتصر على شركة زين فقط بل على الكل، و لها عدة عوامل:

    1- البنية التحتية للمقسم فيها خلل بخصوص ربط الخطوط الأرضية بالهواتف النقالة.
    2- حالة السيرفس بالهاتف النقال نفسه، تعتمد على المنطقة اللي يكون فيها متلقي الإتصال.
    3- في بعض الأحيان لمستخدمي خدمات الانترنت النقال يتعذر الربط بسبب استخدام الانترنت و عدم قدرة الهاتف على تلقي المكالمة و استخدام الانترنت في نفس الوقت، و هذي غالبا ما تحصل عند الاتصال بمستخدمي بلاك بيري و آي فون، و لا تقتصر على الاتصال من الهاتف الأرضي فقط، بل من أي جهة.

    أنا عارف إن السؤال اللي تفضلت فيه هو نتيجة لأقاويل انتشرت في الفترة الأخيرة، و أؤكد بأنها غير صحيحة بتاتا، فشبكة زين هي الأقوى و الأكثر ثباتا على مستوى المنطقة.

    شاكر لك سؤالك و اسلوبك الراقي.

  6. 1001Nights says:

    Did you guys try it yet? I tried accessing it several times, it’s not working and I need to pay.

  7. 1001Nights says:

    Ok I tried one more time after writing that comment and faj2atan it started working so it should be fine now.

  8. Nasser says:


    I hope it is always fine with you 🙂

  9. yikez says:

    I always hated zain online services as they are never user friendly and u have to go through so many clicks to get to what you want.

    take this revised so called ‘onepay’ feature. I want to pay my bill but using the the ‘onepay’ feature i am not able to know how much to pay. It doesnt tell you! You just input the mobile # and choose an amount to pay without knowing how much your outstanding bill is. kind of dumb eh?

    i think maybe if i register and use the feature it might show me how much my outstanding bill is before i pay yeah? it should, shoudnt it? Wrong. You have to know beforehand how much your bill is. Useless!

    If you want to know how much ur bill is before paying, the only way you can find out ‘online’ is by going to:
    -Online billing
    -Contract bulling summary
    -Pay bill

    Any of these options will show you how much your bill is (after you register). If i choose to use the ‘pay bill’ feature might as well continue to pay the bill on that option. it would be dumb to go back and use ‘onepay’.

    Ofcourse now zain yabon erag3oon and say “for security or privacy we cant show how much the bill is without registering first”. However, your mobiquick or whatever it’s called machine shows you the bill without registering at all….ummmm.

    Conclusion is that Zain has just added another useless option to confuse ppl. Im sorry but the person behind the ‘onepay’ feature is dumb.

  10. Nasser says:

    yikez .. blekh
    I love these “anonymous” nicknames.. it shows how targeted the comment is.

    Anyway, Mr. Yikez.. Guess what!! I’m the guy behind OnePay 🙂

    I wish I could have read a useful feedback comment without cursing, but what can I say!

    OnePay is set for anonymous and quick payments, if you already know the amount you want to pay or recharge, then go ahead. If you want to know details, please go ahead, register and login.. view your bill then click on PAY BILL. SO SIMPLE eh?

    Thanks for your comment 🙂