

New Prime and Toast Branch will be opening in AlBidaa, don’t know when but hopefully soon. The best spaghetti Bolognese (yes the best) can be found at this place!

Thanks Bader


This entry was posted on Sunday, April 25th, 2010 at 11:55 am

6 Responses to “Prime & Toast in AlBidaa”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SOME contrast. SOME contrast said: Just in:: Prime & Toast in AlBidaa http://somecontrast.com/2010/04/prime-toast-in-albidaa/ […]

  2. manayer says:

    Alllaah amooot 3ala prime and toast! bs 3aibhum ilwa7eed they take a loooooonnng time to serve you your foood

    merci merci

  3. the boudoir. says:

    Yes! Truely the best spaghetti bolonaise! cant wait for it to open!

  4. AHMAD says:

    jarreb elburger malat’hom 😉

  5. Moe says:

    love it to pieces but i think they should open in a mall somewhere