

I tried this flavored croutons the other day and I loved it. Its very tastey and a very welcomed change from the usual lays chips at cafes. Its available in starbucks, check it out.

P.s. Get the same flavor in the picture and not the other one.

Also available in most co ops and baqalas for 200 fils. Thanks Scotch for the info.


This entry was posted on Monday, April 19th, 2010 at 11:47 am

10 Responses to “Twistos Bread Bites”

  1. BNDQ8 says:

    i heart these…perfect bites… goes very well in a salad..B and i had a phase of cant stop eating it but now we are ok ..i guess 🙂
    the olive and oregano is the best from the rest of the flavors..

  2. Danderma says:

    Try it with almara2i light labna for dinner … amazing and light as well… and since it’s crunchy it will take a long time to chew so you won’t need to eat much…

  3. His says:

    very good for a quick snack.

  4. Scotch says:

    Guys/Girls, hatha mawjood bil jam3iyat, ones im sure of is fer3 il tha7ya oo sultan oo my friend shayfeta ib jam3iya ghurnata, and theyr selling it ib 200 Fils while starbux are selling it at 450 fils, so u will save 250.:)

  5. MODISH says:

    7ilo m3a dip ;p
    ishwaya olive oil
    dry mint

    ill send u a pic now ;p gabil cham youm swaita ;p

  6. blah says:

    mn 9ijkom? i hated it;p

  7. Scotch says:


  8. uk says:

    (Scotch)====>y3ni ana ely ashraab ! wala 3eeb ;/

  9. golnar says:

    another junk food item being promoted…how sad that in kuwait food and junk what is being talked about and no one tries to be a change agent for healthy eating. instead blogs are continously promoting fast and jink food. what a shame

  10. diablo ha9la says:

    عاد اليوم ماكل منه جيسين وافي منه احجام افي اب 200 فلس وافي اب 400 فلس واللي اعرفه ان فيه منه نوعين 🙂