

Only in Electrozan, Starting from tomorrow they will be selling the iPad 3G 16GB, 32GB and 64GB for the prices of KD299, KD379 and KD429 respectively. Plus a silicon cover for your iPad will be included along with Apps and 1 year warranty.


This entry was posted on Monday, May 10th, 2010 at 11:50 pm

16 Responses to “iPad 3G Will be Available Tomorrow”

  1. His says:


    I got the 32GB from the States for 255 !!!

  2. M says:

    Olaaaaaaaaa kaaaaaaak !!!

    I got 16 GB mn el US eb $629 + $50 = 679 !!!!!!!

    Qawaya eletrozan , 3ashan el kafala adfa3 100 dinar ?

    Aghla wa7id which is 64 GB ye6la3 260 KD !!!!!!!!! shda3wa eb 429 !!!!!!!!!!!

  3. moh says:

    zainn al net ebcham eshteraka ????

    viva oo alwatanya ????

  4. M says:

    ashtri macbook pro 13 inch wla ashtri ipad mn electrozan 64GB lol !!!!!!

    karhna bel ipad eb sebat as3ara

  5. M says:

    She3ar apple lama nazila el iPad kan
    ” A magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price”

    she3arhom ena si3er el jihaaaaz erkheeeeeeees o eb se3er khayali etroo7 ent o terfa3 el se3er naaaaaaaar

    etroo7 enta o etbe3a eb 430KD 3ala shino ???? la yabela yengeres hatha 3ashan el esbo3 el yay esani3 as3ara !!!

    wala lo yadroon 3ana apple

  6. M says:

    Mishari and yousef abekom etridon 3alay o etgolon jamarik o sha7en o el 7achi eli ma’khooth khaira hatha ,

    tara kitabt ana 3end frankom ehnak shofaw el comments 3ashan latgololi jamarik o sha7en 😛


  7. Yousef says:

    M la laish enrid 3alaik.. a7na nadry ena el ashya2 bilkuwait a’3la min elnet.. shay qadeem mo yedeed. yoba lik minny wa3ad eny etha fizt biljawhara akhethlik ipad o foooga barrid fethaa, shgilt??

    lol ba3dain malada3y takloon frankom bigshora yoba kilmin lah raayah 😛

  8. m says:

    eh chithy elrad elmuqne3 enek te3terif ena ghalya el as3ar , mo frankom kateb as3ar jayda lol elsara7a radik muqne3 lea’ana 3abali nafs frankom betsof wiya electrozan lea’anhm 7a6en 3endik ad ok akher question , u will go for ipad 3G mn electrozan wila USA

  9. bint aldeira says:

    i will receive my 64G i pad this weekeend including acc and case for 280 at most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so how come?????????????????????????

  10. Ahmed says:

    M: Frankom ydawer floos fa ysaweelhom da3aya. Ana shari 2 ipads 3g kalifooni 7waali 500 denar o shway. 5al ystere7oon electrozan

  11. m7 says:

    i will recive my 32 ipad 3g+wifi next week from us for 225KD 😛

  12. Ahmed says:

    Ba3dain ako shay esma retail price. Esha6ir eli eyeeb el muntaj bdoon la tdfa3 el retail. Like those guys at electrozan or anywhere else here in Kuwait. Eli bel Kuwaiti nsameeh bel jumla. Eli yshtiri in bulk as electrozan logo/moto claims to ma y7tay ydafi3 el zebayin hal kether

    7addi enqagart. 9akkaw 3al ma7alt eli lma tdfa3 visa ygoolik 4 kd 3mula. 3ama b3ainkom. Man6iq mako eb hadeera mu leya

  13. Nasser says:

    Too expensive :\

  14. N says:

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop with whats going on with the microsims. We can always count on you guys to get us the good info!

    Bas do you happen to know the rates for the microsims, it says on this ad you can get Vivas and Wataniyas, but what about Zain? Do you know any prices?

  15. M says:

    Ahmed: I totally agree with you man,

    deerat el boooooooog , boooog boooooooog, ashkara 3ainy 3ainek el as3ar ya3ni lol !!! la o el meshkela ena she3aaaaaaaar apple lama nazilaw el jihaz ena A magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price , egooooom electrozan o edakhen bel si3er chithi 7ada qawi el sara7a loooooooooooool walla wain apple 3anhom

    o wayid embaliq bel 32GB o el 64GB , gol el 16GB ok shway ma3qool mo wayid lea’na etha betyeba el kuwait ma3a sha7en o jamarik o chithi ra7 ekon el farg 60 dinar taqreban ok mo mishkela gol el nas yedfi3on 60KD farg eb sabeel el kafala and ena metwafer bel souq, BS el baji embaliq fehom wayidddddddddddddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Marzouq says:

    Thats just insanely expensive! I think waiting is the better deal!