

Kuwait is ranked #39 in this year’s Global Peace Index. Kuwait is slowly but steadily moving up on the list of most peaceful countries: #46 in 2007, #45 in 2008, #42 in 2009, and finally #39 in 2010.

Arab Countries rankings:

15 Qatar (The highest among Arab countries)
23 Oman
37 Tunisia
39 Kuwait
44 UAE
49 Egypt
56 Libya
58 Morocco
68 Jordan
70 Bahrain
107 Saudi Arabia
115 Syria
129 Yemen
134 Lebanon
146 Sudan
149 Iraq

The top 10 countries are:

  1. New Zealand.
  2. Denmark.
  3. Norway.
  4. Iceland.
  5. Austria.
  6. Sweden.
  7. Japan.
  8. Canada.
  9. Finland.
  10. Slovenia.

The Bottom 10 are:

  1. Iraq.
  2. Afghanistan.
  3. Somalia.
  4. Israel (Palestine is no where to be found on the list).
  5. Sudan.
  6. Congo.
  7. Chad.
  8. Pakistan.
  9. Russia.
  10. Zimbabwe.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 9th, 2010 at 4:22 pm

4 Responses to “Global Peace Index: Kuwait #39”

  1. Rana says:

    i thought bahrain would be the safest country of all gulf countries

  2. pure says:

    I’m proud Kuwait is rising on the list

  3. Kal says:

    Bahrain would be the safest country if they pulled down the bridge.. kiddin’ :p
    but I believe Oman is the safest Arab country, and we’ll proud to see Kuwait progressing

  4. zaina says:

    where the hell is Switzerland?!?!