

I saw this steak at sultan center last weekend and I was thinking of buying one. The box contains only 1 steak each steak is priced at KD8.5. The price and the packaging were tempting.. Has anyone tried them before?

I’m craving a great home grilled steak!


This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010 at 1:09 am

4 Responses to “Chicago Gourmet Steaks at Sultan Center”

  1. Tweego says:

    I tried this steak before it is not that good
    if you want a good stake to grill get the “US Prime” Ribeye from sultan
    or the Angus from prime cut

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SOME contrast, SOME contrast. SOME contrast said: Just in:: Chicago Gourmet Steaks at Sultan Center http://bit.ly/d8Io17 […]

  3. box says:

    Havent seen HALAL meat written on the box,may be its “sum and ekel”:)
    mo bage shaye 3ala Ramdan.

  4. Fawaz says:

    i have they are good but not great, each box has 2 steaks in them fyi. 🙂