

Remember I was asking for some thing like this idea before? Well now it seems its available but lets see if they allow me to get it as MicroSim or not because it comes with E-Go, Other than that I have to convert it by my self . It seems also its a good offer the eeZee line + E-Go + 1.5 KD in account will cost you 10 KD only.

Thanks Ali


This entry was posted on Sunday, August 8th, 2010 at 6:25 am

6 Responses to “My iPad Internet Connection”

  1. Intlxpatr says:

    Where is Yousef? Why isn’t he posting too?

  2. AllahBelkhaif says:

    You can get a microsim card from zain with no obligation for 7 kd or 13.5 kd … Just choose the iPhone service and use it for u iPad.. However the upload and download u get is limited to 2gb for the 14 kd subscription

  3. Nasser says:

    Prepaid e-GO subscriptions won’t work with iPad.. The sim card should be activated through the e-GO dashboard on a mac or a pc first to work.

  4. Ronaldo says:

    Man gayelik mn ziman zain 3endik Prepaid data which is eezee e-go !!! just change sim card or cut it o khalas !! tara mo shay yideeed zain sarlhom over 2 years 3endhom prepaid data !!

    yakhi mn sijkom entaw matadroon wela tadroon bs betsawoon show 7ag el nas ?

    shay qadeem ya3ni !! aslan ga3den ettha7kon el 3alam 3alaina el kuwait ena ma3endna hal ashya’a !!

    tabi adeg 3ala zain o asajel el mokalama o as’ela mn meta 3endkom el prepaid data ? wela ent tabi etdeg o tes’alhom ?

    b3dain tara not a big deal el iPad !! change sim card o khalas to micro sim wela cut it

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