

I just learned that he’s got one. It’s decent, lots of information in his biography section.. Did you know that Darb Alzalag was the first colored tv production in the gulf? I just did! and that he has many plays (masra7iyat) from the early 60’s that weren’t recorded? How about how he go discovered as a potential comedian by Zaki Tulaimat totally by accident?

I think it’s a great source of information about this great actor. Check it out

Thanks Fawaz


This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 at 2:27 pm

2 Responses to “Abdulhussain Abdulredha’s Official Website”

  1. Bu Yousef says:

    Thank you… Will share it on Twitter and FB. Can’t wait to dive in 🙂

  2. instantcravings says:

    I am a non Arab expat that grew up in Abu Dhabi in the early 80’s… back then we did not have English channels on TV barring the odd channel 33 from Dubai.. on most days we never got this channel in Abu Dhabi or the reception was very poor. This forced us to watch the Arabic channel for in house entertainment during the hot summers.. and almost always it was some sort of comedy show that featured this star… I never knew he was a Kuwait actor back then.. but even without knowing the language, me and my parents would watch the show.. I faintly remember his trying to do something with the Electricity deparment and his frequent clashes with a well built lady !
    This posting of yours brought back so many memories…