

I listen to the best songs while the iPod’s on shuffle. Just today as I was starting my long drive back, I turned the iPod to shuffle, and it picked the best songs, one by one. I have a great collection that I almost never listen to.

I discovered Awath Dookhi’s song (scroll down) last week, I didn’t know I had it in the iPod, and since having my first listen last week I can’t seem to get enough of it. It was picked by my iPod today too, while on shuffle mode.

I’ve always wondered why he عوض دوخي got famous? and I always thought the reason was that there was no competition back then and people didn’t know any better.. Boy was I wrong. He is soothing, full of emotions and have great vocals to back the great music and lyrics. Thats why people loved him back then and still do.

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The song is a grower, give it a chance, and try using the shuffle mode more often 🙂


This entry was posted on Sunday, October 3rd, 2010 at 8:30 am

10 Responses to “While the iPod Shuffles”

  1. nasser says:

    file not found 🙁

    Yousef Reply:

    oh! k i’m gonna try and fix it right now

  2. Yousef says:

    nasser, issue solved 🙂

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Yousef Al-Roudan, SOME contrast. SOME contrast said: Just in:: While the iPod Shuffles http://bit.ly/9lRW1q […]

  4. حمود العتيبي says:

    حبيبي اغنية عوض الدوخي ماتشتغل مع العلم ان اغنية ماريا كاري تحتها تشتغل بليز تأكد من الفايل لو سمحت

  5. حمود العتيبي says:

    لا تصدق ان الفايل بالصفحه الرئيسيه مايشتغل بس لما طرشت لك التعليق وصعدت عالفايل اشتغل سبحااااااااان الله

    Yousef Reply:

    حمود العتيبي hehe 3ady et9eer 🙂

  6. Marrakech says:

    allah i love this song, very soothing & relaxing. did you put those songs in ur ipod urself or ma7al? i want 🙁

  7. Yousef says:

    I put the songs myself, but I have lots of them so I forget what I have in there 🙂 It’s a great song. I love it.

    I’ll email you the song if you want.

  8. Marrakech says:

    I would love to 🙂 Thanks Yousef.