What a nice way to cover these wires .. ((sij 3ella mat3aref wain etwadehoom)) and as u can see below its got a sticker so no need for a glue.
If ur still interested here is the LINK for more info. & Pics.
walla 5oosh shay! YABELA wa7da 7ag el shega hehe, 5oo el sheega kelha wayrat ledaragat gemt at3archab 😛
hatha 7ag shegag metzawjeen mo 3azabeeyaa .. intaw law tesbo7oon eb wayraat kela wa7ed 🙂
Mishary 7aram 3aleek mo bas 7ag mitzawjeeen LA ET9ER 3ON9ERY 😛 7ata e7na yal shabab nee7tag hal ashya2 lish malana rab :P:P la wa ne7tagha akther min el mitzawgeen ba3ad 😛
its shiqqa not shigga.. shag allah b6oonkom
walla 5oosh shay! YABELA wa7da 7ag el shega hehe, 5oo el sheega kelha wayrat ledaragat gemt at3archab 😛
hatha 7ag shegag metzawjeen mo 3azabeeyaa .. intaw law tesbo7oon eb wayraat kela wa7ed 🙂
Mishary 7aram 3aleek mo bas 7ag mitzawjeeen LA ET9ER 3ON9ERY 😛 7ata e7na yal shabab nee7tag hal ashya2 lish malana rab :P:P la wa ne7tagha akther min el mitzawgeen ba3ad 😛
its shiqqa not shigga.. shag allah b6oonkom