Today me and INM decided to go to Kuwait Motor Show 2007 to see whats new. As expected nothing new and nothing special just a few concept cars thats all.
I noticed something wrong and its ONLY done here in Kuwait .. every time there is a show the number of these portable restaurant are more than the cars in the show !! ” walah el 3atheeem kel ma atalafat alga eb kel zawya wa7ed !” and these people r surrounding these small restaurants more than the people on the show it self ! ” chena el nas yaya takel mo etshoof !”.
Here are some pictures of the Motor Show:
At the end i dont recommend you to go there unless if u dont have any other place to go to.
“Kel sena engool esena el yaya me7na ray7een o nerooooo7 ! mako faydaa 🙂 “
ana agoolk lesh ako wayd portable resturants 😛 3shan ya 6weel el 3mr lma tshoof seyayeeer menta 6ayelhum eb 3mrek shetsaweee e6ale3 7aretek bl akel 😛 fa ohma emsahleen 3lek el mwthooo3 7a6een lk el dewaa wl fal3a at the same place 😛
pumkinah walah sajjaaaaaaah legait sayarat eb KD270,000 ! walah se3er bait !