Posted By: Yousef
We started a bit late. My cousin was going to meet our friends (they’re here in Dubai for the weekend) they were going to the shooting range. the last time we went there we had so much fun, but I didn’t feel like going this time. I’m not sure why… so me and loco went to city center, just to waste sometime until its time to have dinner with all the rest. BUT before that, we knew we could not wait without something in our stomachs so we had a little TASBEERA from Arby’s.
I found Mario Galaxy for Nintendo Wii in Virgin megastore. I was so tempted to buy it, but I don’t have my Wii with me.. I left it in Kuwait..
And then after some surfing around the shops there, we went to Gap, it was fully stocked! better than Kuwait’s branch! aside from the Mens and Women sections it had kids section, baby’s section and infant’s section (not sure whats the difference between baby and infant). I liked it there, I found many things I could use this winter. but since its still autumn/summer in here, I decided not to buy anything.
We finally met with our friends, we were 9 in total and went to The Market Cafe. its a buffet restaurant located in Grand Hyatt hotel in dubai. we go there often, we especially like it when its friday, they have the friday special.. (all you can eat and drink for 120 Dhs LOL!). its a very very good place with VERY good food.
The Salad section. there was a giant wooden bowl where they put the lettuce and whatever else you want in and add the sauces and what not so they can finally mix it and give it to you.
there are different sections for each type of food. there is the pasta section, indian section, Salads, Pizza, Grills, Arabic AND the dessert section. oh and I forgot the drinks section, they have plenty of drinks there, and they make it infront of you and you pick it up yourself.
you can choose what kind of sauce and meats you want and they’ll cook it for you.
The Dessert section. their cheese cake was one of the best (not yesterday’s)
Every dish in there is made specially for YOU. the steak is grilled to your taste so is everything else.
We had a great time.
walla yabeela arby’s mara thanyh
loco kan latheeth wallah
bs ilyoom inshallah shay thany.. fakkir o dizly sms 3afya 
Yousef yal kalb sharaitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!! haa eshlonaaaa ?!?!
Yousef ashwa masharait’ha 6ala3t .. ana men el legafa bas sheft el soraa enek gathebhaa ketabt 3ala 6oool
BTW etha ur wii nafs malty from US or amazon tara hatha mario mara7 yeshteghel 3alaihaa coz maktoob 3alaih PAL we7na NTSC
there’s an arby’s in dubai?? where where??
Awalan 3alaik ib alf 3aafia
Thanian tara you need winter clothes for Kuwait if you plan to come inshalla li2ana bida il barrd 3endina. Not freezing cold bass ana istabradt ilyom so ansi7ik itha ligait shay ir5ayi99 wikwayyiss go for it!
One more thing, before you buy from the GAP check out their prices here and see the difference if there is any. If so, buy from abroad and use one of them shipping places to bring it over!
Mishary kan shakla 7iiilllloooowwwww!! 3indy i7sas bikoon a7la Mario! mita ibyosal malik?
MSB in Hamar ain Mall.. very old mall and the arby’s looks like its going shut down any time now.. so hurry up!
(I don’t recommend going there, the mall brings ilqamit)
Nameless Allah i3afeech
ana ily radny 3an Gap ina mako bard wayid HNEE.. coz ana 3indy hdoom shitwiya bilkuwait fa when I’m in kuwait I’m not going to need any more clothes.. bs since I’m here I thought I might need some coz I don’t have any. but the weather is not changing.. well its changing (I’m loving the weather at night) but still not enough to buy new winter clothes. 
but thanks for the link! I appreciate it
yousef: as nameless said buy cheap clothes and save the $$ for my clothes ok? get me something 3ashan ayeblik in yr BDay tara ana 3ala e6raif w ma ayeeb ya3ni bas etha 7ashni bonus bayeblik lol
LOL yousef tikfa ma 5aleet ma63am ma re7tla!
Super Mario Galaxy Rocks! i strongly recommend it to you … buy it before ur next flight to kuwait enshalla
Hamad mate7taj hdoom int.. 6ol lisbo3 dishadeesh o bs bilweekend talbis o inta already 3indik ily ikafeek 7ag yomain bilisboo3
Stewie hehehehe mako wanasa ‘3air ilme6a3im
awnas shay!
hmmm ana aghe6 3nkm o ared algakm etekalemon 3n el food
oo kela ayooo3 lma agra el blog
tra betsamnoni !
abee arooo7 dubai
LOL ma 3endi addition I just think pumpkinna’s comment is funny and spot on! laylahilala bil 3aafia bil 3afia.
La7tha 9abur 3endi addition! LAISH ma tyeeb 7ag Hamad hdoom ya mal il bu5ul? Inta moo 3ayish biDbai? Ma t3arf inna sooghum wayed a7san min soogna? *shakes head in bitter disapointment*
pumkinah LOL! ok you’re right. we write about food a bit too much! but you know what? thats what we know best! lol
dubai hatha wagt’ha.. min al7een lain shahar 2-3.. jawha 7ilow lat6oofich
Nameless yabakhtich ligaitay a7ad thany ita7arash feena!
o ba3dain tara lay’3erech 7amad! okhoy wa3arfa! 3inda kilshay bs ita3aiyar .. tawna sharainala dinya sowalif o hdoom.. bs nagis inyeebla saari! kilshay 3inda!
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog.
Cheers! Sandra. R.