

Posted By Mishary.


The iPhone got 3G capability? I was just surfing through YouTube.com and found this guy showing his iPhone with the ability to connect to a 3G network! He’s saying that the 3G feature will be available with the next update, 1.1.3.

Click HERE


This entry was posted on Friday, December 28th, 2007 at 3:55 pm

No Responses to “Our iPhone Got 3G?”

  1. Hamad says:

    mishary, it looks like a customized menu not a real 3g feature cuz law ehy sij enabled chan 3al aqal 7a6lik el connection speed or some proof mo bas on/off

  2. Stafa says:

    Mishary, u need to have a 3g radio in the device to get that connection

  3. […] simpsons-movie-ruled: […]

  4. Mishary says:

    Hamad Hummm .. walla ham sa7 kalamek .. yomken fake walla

  5. Outkasty says:

    I agree with hamad

  6. oo arab people.. ana fadi min romania, wen fini estari iphone??

  7. Mishary says:

    essentialmusic its available in Kuwait