Posted By Mishary.
Today on my way back from work, i noticed this HUGE truck! when i came closer i noticed that it carries aluminum bleachers for the elections! (modarajaat for entekhabaat)
Thery’e movable and you can move them whenever you want. if you want to take a look, they’re Mishref near the girls school.
Hahahahaha .. wala 9arat masr7eya mo entkhabaat 😛
Yaaaaaaah.. it’s a nice idea !! mo a7san min fekrat el sayarat maltik enta o Ali? 😛
Mashalla 3laihom ma 5alaw shay 9ej rezg ilq9awa 3al 5amlaat 🙂
you know what would be really cool, that each morasha7 make his own blog and discuss whatever the s/he believes in and his plans for the parliament