I went to Mom today and asked her if she has any comment regarding the elections and our beautiful MPs to be. With no hesitation she took her little note book and gave it to me. 😀
Here it is, Mom’s 3rd Post:

“Kuwait is in a 5 electoral districts marathon for the first time nowadays. It’ll be interesting to see who’ll succeed in lying his way to the chair. The ones who reach the end of this marathon are more often than not aren’t the real winners in our eyes. Most of them are going to dedicate their time to polish their new chairs and use their newly found powers to their own personal gains, getting back what they lost on the elections being #1 on their lists. This election is going to cost a lot, because as you know, paying people in cash is out of fashion this time around, now its all about renovating poor people’s homes, which costs a lot.
Aren’t you people tired of the irony? Claiming that Kuwait’s interest is your main objective then going for whoever promise you to drop the loans and increase your salaries? don’t you know its things like that that keeps your country in its steady fall? These MPs and their ways of manipulating people’s feelings! They’re like a low fat product that has no nutritional value and cause cancer in the long run. We don’t need them. There is no good coming out of them, actually its quite the opposite! they’re in it for the goods!
My mom was telling me how she wants to go on a trip. Apparently she wants to go to a bunch of casinos and have fun. I know it’s probably a losing proposition but if she’s going to have fun the money will have been worth it. From what she tells me the 威博百家樂 casino is the first she wants to go through. It’s not really my thing but I hope she has a lot of fun. She’s a good mom, she has and still does work hard. I say she’s earned it.
He’s very religious and preaches religion & ethics whenever he can. till last week I saw him on TV preaching. But what some of you might not know is that in one of his many journeys out of the country, God wanted to blow his cover, He was caught drunk in a car accident. Our good government have threatened him and black mailed him so he stays on their side. He’s a good friend with the government ever since.
A guy who is responsible for over looking the “negative phenomena committee” (whatever that means) had a sad turn of events when every news paper in town reported his visit to a nudist beach. (Y’all know him right?) 😛
One of our Islamic MPs was seen in a casino in Las Vegas, wearing a t-shirt and a short and gambling. when he was asked about his behavior He said something along those lines “My look differs according to what I’m doing and the place I’m in.” Despite Vegas being famous for casinos and games akin, the gradual growth in online games and its reviewers is also on the surge. One can easily get to know the reviews on slots plus mobile about casinos and slots.
“Eldeen baree2 minhom o min ta2aslemhom”
We need Fresh, New, bright-looking and beardless faces! We need them with long dishdashas too! no more fakers! no more pretense and using Islam in vain! We don’t want MPs who ride waves and trends for the sake of popularity. We need them to be real, so they can see things as they are and actually do something about them and make the progress their supposed to make. We want a solid and deep vision of what should be done to accomplish some of the goals we’re hoping for. And more importantly We want them to dedicate themselves for the good of NO ONE but Kuwait“.

My friend just called and told that they’re going to pay you, you poor working force of Kuwait, the 120 KD salary increase for both March and February. And April is going to be paid when April’s salary is due.
Up to now its nothing but a Reliable rumor. My friend got the tip from a “reliable source” as he put it.
Thanks Taymoor for the tip. (Now you know whom to pray against if this bshara doesn’t come true 😛 )
I just saw the news on Alwatan Tv. The Minister of finance said that the salary increase will be paid at the end of April and it will include Aprils due amount and March’s retroactively. No mentions of february. 😀

A Father teaching his kid how to pronounce Hamburger 😛 “Hangerger” Cute!
[AUDIO http://somecontrast.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/hamburger-kid.mp3]
I would have strangled him by the second try lol
Dankeschön loco.

I’m having a ball right now. Mariah’s (technically) upcoming album finally leaked to the internet! Been waiting a long time for it. Its her longest time off between albums, she used to crank out album after album each year of the 90’s but now, its been 3 years since her last one! (not bad when compared to other artists. for example Lauren Hill is yet to release a real studio album and its been 9 years since her last one. Thank God I’m not a big fan of hers).
In E=MC² Mariah lets loose and stop worrying about sounding perfect and concentrate on delivering the emotional punch. When she’s singing about having fun, the bass is thumping. When she’s singing about love, she’s emotionally charged and when she’s singing about forgiveness and letting go, she takes it to church.
I’m loving the album. *shocker* 😛

Today me & Ali were coming back from work and Ali found a new type of petrol machines in the KNPC station. Its located between Mishref and Bayan. He was wondering about new colors so i left my car and went to the employees who were installing it and asked them a couple of questions. I found out that they are introducing 2 more types of fuel, dedicated to our SUPER RICH people for their Super cars.
They are defined as following:
- Pink Color – Name: Ultra Euro – Cost: 120 Fils/Liter.
- Orange Color – Name: Ultra Diesel – Cost: 100 Fils/Liter.
- Green Color – Name: Ultra Super – Cost: 90 Fils/Liter.
Actually the employees there said that they are facing a lot of problems installing the machines & that this station will be the first petrol station to offer these fuel types. So it might takes some time to run them across Kuwait.
Thanks for the picture Ali.

Guys just want to share these info with u it might be important to some of u, Just imagin in 2013 what Ramadan will look like 😛

I posted the other day about Amazon.com and their mistake. Well, I was expecting them to let us keep the wrong order and ship us another laptop, But that hopeful thought was shot down when Hamad told me that they expect him to send the laptop back or they’ll make him pay for it.
So much for getting away with a free laptop. 😛

Just found out that Boots will be opening soon in Mishref. Taking Bhs’ location Near Mango world.
Whats going to happen to Mishref’s pharmacy now? Now that they’re opening Boots just meters away from our 24 hours Pharmacy? Is it going to shut down just like Faiha’s pharmacy when Boots opened in Faiha’s Co-op?

We went to Villa Fayrouz today. Its A lebanese restaurant. It draws it uniqueness from being almost like a monument dedicated to the legendary arab Diva, Fayrouz. Its decorated with her pictures and her music is played all the throughout the visit.

We ordered, like most Kuwaitis in lebanese restaurants almost everything in the menu, we ordered so much that we didn’t notice some of the dishes missing and were paid for without gracing our table.

I hate lebanese restaurants. I hate sharing food. “Joey doesn’t share food!!” 😛
And whats up with the worldwide fascination with lebanese food and their mezzas? I don’t get it. Why would anyone go to a restaurant and eat Humus? Why would anyone order salads that can be easily made in our homes? Kebab!!!!! Why would I go to a restaurant and eat Kebab!??!

This post is shaping up to be a venting post. 😛
The Osmalliyeh saved the day.

I would just like to say something to make this post somewhat worth your while 😀 The food was superb. Everything tasted real nice. The last time I went to Villa Fayrouz was years ago. It sure has come a long way, and I think in a couple of years it can be a good contender for the 2nd position behind the Sheraton’s Al Tarboush.
The Restaurant is located in Alsha’ab. Overlooking Fahaheel Highway. Around 500 Meters before the 3rd ring road exit (if you’re heading north toward Kuwait City).
P.S. Don’t order their mohamarah. it tasted like cheap hot sauce.
Here is a professional photographer from Argentina his name is Diego Goldberg. He decided to take portrait pictures for all his family from the day he got married. Here are his chronicles, 1976 till 2007. Check out el zeman eshloon eghairaa 🙂

For a video and more info click HERE.
Thank you Ahmad.
Posted By Yousef

My brother ordered a laptop for a friend. This friend made his debut to online buying with this laptop purchase. Its his very first time.. 😀
This is how the story goes.. Our friend wanted to buy the newly released White Macbook with a 2.4 processor & 2 GB RAM. My brother (6ag issadir) and helped him order, using my DHL address. 12 days later the laptop arrived and our friend went to the customs to pick it up (He payed 65kd to the DHL, 57 for the delivery and 8kd for the requested insurance) Anyway! He took it and started playing around with it.. a day or 2 later and as he was looking around, he decided to take a look at the device specs.. he went to that little Apple icon on top and clicked on About This Mac.
I got a call from my brother saying there was a mistake with the order! We ordered and paid for the 2.4 and got the 2.1 instead!!
After much investigation and contemplating my brother stumbled upon the 2 stickers shown above. Turned out there was a mistake from Amazon.com’s side when placing these 2 stickers. One of the stickers states that this is a 2.1 Macbook and the other says its the newer (more expensive) 2.4 Macbook!
We, and by we I mean my brother, have already sent an email to Amazon and are waiting their reply!
This is not their first time messing up our orders. I remember once Me, Mishary & INM were shocked to find boring books in the package instead of the DVDs we’ve ordered.
Posted By Mishary.

Amazon today introduced TextBuyIt, a new service that lets you use text messages to find and buy products sold on Amazon.com. Simply send a text message to “AMAZON” (262966) with the name of the product, search term or a UPC or ISBN code, and Amazon replies with the product or products that match the search, along with prices. To buy an item, customers simply reply to the text message by entering the unique single digit number next to the item they want. Customers will then receive a short phone call from Amazon with the final details of their order and asking them to confirm or cancel the purchase.When customers choose to purchase something for the first time using TextBuyIt, they will be asked for their e-mail address and shipping ZIP code they use for their Amazon.com account. With this information, Amazon uses customers’ default settings for payment method, shipping address and shipping speed, including 2-Day shipping for Amazon Prime members. (I’m Still unsure whether international orders are accepted or not).
Posted By Mishary.

A few days ago Me, Bashar and 9K2HN decided to go to Dalag Es’hail Restaurant/Cafe which is located in Souq Almubarkiya to have something to eat. They have amazing Grills by the way. Anyway, after we finished 9K2HN suggested to have a look at a shop that specialized in…? Guess what?! Tester Perfumes! 😀

The shop offers two kinds of perfumes:
- Knockoff Perfumes.
- Authentic Tester Perfumes. (Just want to mention that the tester perfume will last much longer than the normal ones, Thats why I prefer them).

The price range for the Knockoff Perfumes was about KD3 – KD6, However the testers were around KD7.5 – KD10.

The only problem with these testers is that they do not come with their original box. For me thats not a big deal!
Thanks Bashar & 9K2HN for inviting me, I had a blast. 😛

Mariah Carey Breaks Elvis Presley’s long standing record as the second inline for most #1’s on Billboard charts, The first position goes to The Beatles. The song ‘Touch My Body’ Just made its giant leap from #15 on the chart to #1 thanks to an unprecedented Digital downloads, 286,000 downloads in just one week, making it Carey’s 18 #1 on Billboard.
“I really can never put myself in the category of people who have not only revolutionized music but also changed the world,” Carey told The Associated Press from London on Tuesday. “That’s a completely different era and time. I’m just feeling really happy and grateful.”
This is the song that made it to #1 this week.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Source: Billboard, CNN, MTV.
Posted By Mishary.
Kuwait Airways

Baskin Robbins

Pizza Hut

Hungry Bunny “the original one”

Hot Sauce

This is really funny! check out the winner hair cuts on 1984!


KFH ” i wonder whats the link between KFH and frozen chicken”

My thanks goes for Ali
Mom has been doing this cake for over 20 years. Its one of her signature cakes. As simple as it may seem, Nobody has ever mastered it the way Mom does Every Single Time! 😛
From Mom’s cook book and exclusively (6al) to our blog, here comes the best Mud (chocolate) cake ever!

- 1 2/3 Cup of Flour
- 1 1/3 Cup of Sugar
- 4 Eggs
- 1 Cream (shown above. gamair)
- 1/3 Cup of Cocoa Powder
- 1 1/2 bar of butter (Size shown above)
- 3 Table sp. Nescafe melted in 1/2 a cup of hot water
- 2 Tea sp. Baking Powder.
- 4 Aero Chocolates
- 1 Flake
- Sprinkle of salt
Mix all the ingredients together in a big mixer, leaving only the Aero, Flake & 1/2 the cream for later.

Mix like crazy!

Mix Mix Mix!

Incase you were wondering whats inside the Cocoa tin 😛

Oil Brush this thing

Pour your mix in the thing and put in the oven for 35 on 350 degrees.

Might as well make use of your time while you wait for the cake. Take out the 4 Aeros and melt them in a water bath (Mom used this word, Bath) with whats left of the cream (remember you mixed just half of it with the cake mix).

Less than 5 minutes later it should look like this, Unburned!

Take out your cake when the 35 minutes is up. It should look something like this.

Cover it with the chocolate you melted earlier.

Sprinkle some of the flake (you get to eat whats left of the flake!)

And Voila!

Note from Mom:
“Many Have asked me for this recipe & I turned many of them away. Making this Cake on your own is what makes it special. If you’re going to give this recipe to the maid, you won’t get the same results, been done many times and the results were always sub par, As they should be.”
Posted By Mishary.

A few days ago i received my Time Capsule, the 500GB version. it was supposed to be shipped at the end of Feb. but due to some version update Apple delayed it till the end of March.

Whats in the box:
Posted By Mishary.

Today i found that ANM brought Coca cola Zero from the super market. I wonder how they make it ZERO calories?!
Posted By Yousef

The Indian conglomerate, Tata, buys Jaguar and Land Rover.
“Tata, India’s biggest vehicle maker, is paying $2.3bn (£1.15bn) for the British brands after months of negotiations over price and supply relationships.”
“Jaguar has made losses ever since Ford bought it in 1989. Company sources say those losses are being trimmed with the launch of new models. But everyone at Castle Bromwich accepts that Jaguar faces intense competition from much bigger carmakers such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi and Lexus.”
“Tata must “decide what Jaguar is for and what is its strategic direction in the future”, according to industry analyst Jay Nagley.”
“Since 2002, when Jaguar sold 130,000 cars, sales have halved, and the slide continues.”
“In Europe, Jaguar’s sales slumped more than 25% in February when compared with the same period last year, while in its key market, the US, sales have fallen more than 33% so far this year when compared with the same period in 2007.”
Thanks Tariq.
Posted By Yousef

I wanted to review DHL’s @ Home forwarding service for over a week now, but I waited until my first 3 packages got to Kuwait so I can get a sense of DHL’s speed and their delivery patterns.
I ordered 3 packages, 1 of them was a laptop for a friend. The laptop took 12 days to arrive in Kuwait’s customs. The other packages, one took 12 days and the other took 8 days. Keep in mind that I start counting once they are delivered to my US mailbox, which is checked twice a week, every monday and thursday. Once the shipments arrive in Illinois in the mailbox, you’ll feel like you’ve been disconnected from the package until it arrives to Kuwait. There is no tracking number and no site to monitor the progress. You just have to wait. It can get frustrating as you wait and have no idea about your package status and its whereabouts. You may however call DHL in Kuwait and ask about it.
Now, my cousins had a different kind of experience with DHL’s @ Home Service. I learned that DHL once misprinted the value of one of the packages which contained a couple of PC games and printed an extra zero, causing my cousin to pay around 45kd as tax for a package not worth that much. While my other cousin told us that they do not use DHL throughout the route to Kuwait. They use other company to deliver the package from illinois to Bahrain, then use DHL to deliver the packages from Bahrain to Kuwait.
First impressions can make or break a company nowadays. DHL should know that by now. Having no advantage over other competitors and no site to go with the service is not helping at all. What would make anyone leave their current forwarding service and join DHL? What will motivate them? At the moment, the answer is Nothing.
Having said all that. I think its still too premature to make a real judgment as to whether I’d continue using DHL for my online shopping or if I would go back to the miserable Aramex. They both, up to now, are doing a job that leaves much to be desired. But DHL being the company that it is, makes me a bit more hopeful for a real improvement. And with Sarita on board, it actually makes it worth giving it a chance.
Click here for a newer updated review