set-upid man 😛
i make al 7amdo lelah u understand and this u understand 😛 camera al 7mdolelah cut and only zis give u understand 😛
after zis u can speek for zis am gona speek direct zis for zis and zis !!
el 9ara7a sakar 3la video jamal le3mal akh el ra2eees 😛 hehe i think they should compete with each other mno yekarer el klma more in he dialog 😛
امبيه امبيه امبيه
مافهمت شي غير الحمدلله وسليمان وكامرا
يالهوي حاولت اترجم حرفيا همن ما عرفت شوالقصة
بليز ترجمة
set-upid man 😛
i make al 7amdo lelah u understand and this u understand 😛 camera al 7mdolelah cut and only zis give u understand 😛
after zis u can speek for zis am gona speek direct zis for zis and zis !!
el 9ara7a sakar 3la video jamal le3mal akh el ra2eees 😛 hehe i think they should compete with each other mno yekarer el klma more in he dialog 😛
for those who haven’t seen akh el ra2eees video 😛
Dear God that was awful.
U under-estand .. ziss ??
that’s all I could unlock from what he said. 😛