

[wpvideo FXHbqd0W]

Check out this women and how she stole the laptop from the shop.

P.S. What about the charger!? 😛

Thanks INM


This entry was posted on Saturday, May 17th, 2008 at 12:27 am

No Responses to “Mission Accomplished!”

  1. q8ya says:

    lo0o0o0l i guess the charger is cheaper to buy than the whole laptop 😛

  2. BloBoz says:

    That’s messed up..

  3. Eman says:

    OMG! loool…isn’t she something!

  4. intlxpatr says:

    Holy smokes! No hesitation, no looking around. And how will she ever be identified??

  5. am says:

    I think she is a man!