Since i was young in high school i grew up watching my grand father collecting mesbahs (rosaries), after he passed away my father took over this hobby, and continued collecting and having his own collection. The bag contains some rare and very precious ones, collected from more than one country. He also, sometimes, buy his own rock and custom made his mesbah.
And now back to my beginning, since i was, at the time, in high school i couldnโt afford them coz the price range starts from KD 40 to KD 950 per mesbah so i decided to go with the plastice ones which only cost 500 fils
So i started with the plastic ones hen with to the Netherlandsโ ones (we call it holandy in Kuwait) this type got the second place in ranking, until i was able to buy the German ones which are the most expensive and the top of the line.
Just for the record all these pictures are from my fathers misbahs since he got around 90 misbah (mashalah)
I think that most people from my generation doesnt know/care about this collecting misbahs hobby. The one and only one I found who loved mesbahs as well was Tareq.. Heโs a good collector by the way bs eshwaya na7eees
These are the cases for storing the misbahs .. each case can hold up to 15 misbah.
and nowwwwww this is my ONLY case My whole collection consist of ONLY 12 misbahs โฆ walah 7araaam kel hal esneeen o bas 12 !!
Any way just want to thank my dad for letting me take some pics of his collections.
I LOVE mesabeee7 .. bs kil ma ashtry wa7ed zain yenbag meny bidwaniya .. i hate misbeee7 thieves
Yeah and i would love to see your dads full collection
Hmm.. i liked ur blog.. but now.. I LOVE IT .. Man, post more about mesabee7.. places u go to buy them from.. lets share some info
Im also addicted to this hobby.. 
soaโl..laish kel el misabee7 lonhom asfar ya tora ?
lazm t6l3on eb taw el lail
what do u do with this hobby ? u only collect them ?
3adiil ya 3adiil, 3ala rasy walh!
ana 3indy cham wa7d bas mayam3hom, only i cant go anywhere without one,
tanagra mara nazlaw msabe7 limited edition, ely kil wa7d ghair 3an ilthany o mako minhom bil3alam kila,
hal 7achy min sintain aw akthar, i got one myself but now i lost it ;p
awal ma sheft el9ora eloula chethy 3ala elsarii3 7asabt elmesabi7 thora (corn) !!!
yaa lel3arโฆ
HBZ My dad full collection ?! hummm sa3baa .. ana hathailaa o yalla bel ghaseb !!
Type O wow !! i found a friend !! Humm most of them madry men wain yabhoom esara7aa coz i was young bs recently he deal with the rocks .. yeshtereey rock o ewadehaa el makhra6aa .. o it gives him around 4-5 misbah.
master Hummm .. 3ashan ohma loonhom asfaar ! ((eshrayeech bel ejabaa ?! moqne3aa haaa ?
)) Madry laish lonhom asfar 
pumkinah collecting plus astaghdemhoom .. sheftay eshloon intaw eb kel 6al3a talbesoon accessories ?! hathy el accessories malatnaa
the masquerader i dont like buying these stuff from ma7alat markat .. i think methel maygool el mathal 3a6 el khoboz khabaza 7eta law bag nessa
Rose Gold Hehehehehehe corn 3adiii !! yalla 3adi en6awefhaa el sob7 matenlamaain
wow . mashalla .. hmm my husband also like collecting mesabee7.. exactly as ur dad.. i want to buy him mesba7 4 his next birthday so where should i go and shno a7la o a7sn shy? please feed me back.
P.S : this will not Be the main Gift . i want to buy mesba7 as side gift ;P
3abali zaitoon
My dad loves them too.. he makes them, I could sit and watch for hours! I wanna takes pics of them too now!
Steal your dadโs collection!
Very interesting walla! and good hobby!
mishary plz more details about the rocks and the ma5ra6a .. wain 9aira w shkither e6awel w min wain eyeeb il rocks ..
Excellent post, I heard that in Iraq they have the best ones which I donโt really know if thats true. Anyways since you started this and for educational purposes can you make another post but this time specifying the different types and how to differentiate between the expensive ones and cheap ones. 6ab3an asas el mesba7 ho 7ag el tasbee7, bas akthar el nass 7a6eenah zeena. So if you know alot about mesabee7 please share your knowledge with us bro and donโt be โNa7eesโ
i have to say these are nice pictures khoosh t9weer bs plz ask ur father since hes professional collector
lesh kl el mesabee7 ele bl pictures yellow ? oo hal ohma mn different rocks ? oo shno esm hl rocks ? โฆ thanx
i know lageena el waled
lagena = lajeena = athenaah
Hey I think I saw this collection recently. Does your Dad work for NBK?
ShoOoSh Go to souq el mobarkiyaa .. feeh ehnaak a couple of shops and ask about germen ones they r the best.
Dodo Hehehehehehehe zaytooon 3aaad!!
Sunshine makes them ?!!? how ?!?!
::: ShoSho ::: Thanks a lot
HBZ waaaaaih hatheeech gesaa thanyaa .. eshkether e6awel i think 2 weeks and he knows a guy who do this kind of work o regarding el rock source walla men akthar men mokan .. from here kuwait or swiss โฆ
DVLz Hehehehehehehe inshalla o i wont be Na7ees
pumkinah Thanks o alah el khaley mobile my wife
.. laish lonhom asfar .. coz e7na interesting in one kind of rock which is (( kahraab)) in english they call it Amber .. hatha eseer lonaa yellow etha kan el rock new in age o etha get older and older it get darker (( orange color )) hatha the most expensive one. wetkooon re7taa wayed gaweya o 7ilwaa.
revq8 Nope.
mine one of them
i kept it with my father to safe it for me
He orders all his rock things.. He buys the string and he measures each individual bead and the weight/density or something like that and accordingly uses them. He also makes his own top of the misbah where the string isโฆ He has them all on the wall!! This weekend Iโll post about them! With an exclusive interview
Sunshine GREAT! let us know whenever u post it!
well done handmade rock jewellery, i just wanna say that i really do like your blog. it seems that your active i hope you can continue the same thing. good luck
i know how u feel about elmesba7 coz my dad and bors has the same passion about it
where can i find the same case that u stor almsba7 ?
dandash you will find it in Mubarkiya souq they r selling it less than KD10
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I love the beautiful sterling silver ones you can sometimes find. I havenโt bought one yet, but I am always looking.
Wow! I am impressed. I can see this beautiful champagne color and the honey. They are awesome. We donโt have them in the Dominican Republic. I did not see many blue amber sets, though.
Did he have any Dominican amber?
Thanks for showing the pictures and Congratulations to your forefathers!
Never mind, you will get your own collection. I can help you and am at your service! And I will make sure that your pieces will only be NATURAL amber.
We like your collection very much. It is really a treasure!!! All natural amber and real antique now. My wife and I are passionate, even fanatic about all things amber. Keep up the good work.
Hong Kong
Wow, that is a pretty impressive collection. We are designers and makers of premium Misbahas and can help you build your collection to your specific taste. Happy to produce custom pieces in your choice of natural material. Wassalam
i know this is very old just wanted to say its not holaandi wala from Netherland hehe bs you were close ! most of the amber is found in the countries near the blatic sea ,like poland ,russia, n many others there are many kind of stones with diffrent colors ,some kind of amber are very rare like blue amber which you only can find it in the Dominican Republic ,i love that kind i have two of them n they come in other colors like green,red,yellow and blue . its a real big subject about mesbaa7 and about the stones ,theres also some artificial stones ,unnatural but old stuff like bakelite ,faturan and misteka ,ou can find all kinds of color not just yellow n orange . if i can help you and you guys want to ask anything plz do your most welcome my e mail adress is
thanks all for your time
o sorry 7adii badlt tawnee agra ilee kitabtaa! lol
We are selling high grade raw amber material from the Baltic Sea. Please have a look.
Just click on my name. You can find us.
This is a nice Collection of Amber Worry beads, i also have my own collection of around 900 Mesbah from different materials but mostly Antique ones that are called German Worry beads โMastik, Faturan, Bakelite and Amberโ also the natural collection made of โ wood, horns, gem stones, ivory and elseโ any one wants to know more and learn about worry beads can email me wish you all the best with your hobby.