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This time I won’t translate the whole article, I’ll just post the actual article in its original form and will offer just a summary, a very brief summary, coz i don’t want to leave some of you guys totally out.
Mom basically wrote an article discussing the recent renaming of one of our favorite area names in Kuwait, Al Messila, to a name that belongs to a late member of the royal family. She explains how its not appropriate and that there are people whom are benefiting from this by doing favors to get closer to the big guys. And lastly, she’s suggesting that a street named after that person or a high school would’ve been much more appropriate. Thats the whole idea in short.
I’ve talked to many people and all of them, me included, agreed that no one we know will ever stop using the old beautiful name in favor of the new name. We just think its not right.
I wrote a post around 4 months ago discussing this same issue, read it here. Many other bloggers have wrote about this and I liked this blog’s post the most.