

Finally! I did it, now I can post anything on the go. This is one of the first things that I want to do when we were in wordpress.com but due to the restrictions we couldn’t. But now after moving to Godaddy (thanks 9K2HN for the help!) it’s possible! 🙂 but there is one thing I want get rid of, my signature which will show that I’m sending using BB service! Its annoying.. Does anyone know how to stop it from appearing?!



This entry was posted on Sunday, June 8th, 2008 at 7:30 pm

7 Responses to “My First Mobile Blogging”

  1. Pure says:

    Congrats : ) .. well i hope i could help but i have no idea : /

  2. 9k2hn says:

    Don’t mention it, I’m happy to help you guys at any time.

  3. nibaq says:

    The secret Zain-Blackberry website is zainkw.blackberry.com but you have to create an account first on your BB to access it. There you can change all the email settings for your email and create filters.

  4. nibaq says:

    Actually I should write up my blackberry/zain post. On how to get rid of the signature, allow for Opera and other apps to access the network and other stuff.

    Zain gives you no documentation and their tech support has no idea on the device. When I got mine I spent 2 hours figuring everything out at their HQ before I left.

  5. Mishary says:

    nibaq This what i want to know how can i get Opera and other apps to access the network?!

  6. Tink *~*~* says:

    Hi! I have a mobile photo blog, so I know how you feel – have signal, will blog! 😀 But one thing I don’t understand – how is your ability to mobile blog connected with GoDaddy? I just use Blogger and my cell phone…. ????

    Tink *~*~*

  7. Jacqui says:

    Cool pretty soon I hope to be the one mobile blogging from the new 3G iPhone!