

Our last poll was ‘What is your favorite Ramadan dish?’ Over 200 people decided the following:

  1. Harees / Yereesh 32%
  2. Tashreba 29%
  3. Muchboos 16%
  4. Em6abag 3%
  5. I don’t careΒ 20%

The tashreeba, my favorite, won the second position. It so deserved to be a #1 πŸ˜›

Our new poll got to do with Ramadan too. The Gergai3an is an old Kuwaiti tradition, where kids go door to door, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of every Ramadan, singing a traditional tune and in return get a handful of goodies (chocolates, nuts..etc.) We all went gerge3ing when we were kids and I remember that we couldn’t wait to measure our bagfuls of goodies and see who got the most.

So, What do you think of Gergai3an? You can submit your answers using the poll on the right sidebar.



This entry was posted on Saturday, September 13th, 2008 at 4:50 am

4 Responses to “New Poll: Gergai3an?”

  1. Ahmad says:

    It has become an event where shops offload their cheapest candy (I picked up a bag yesterday that almost had no nuts). And also the money some people spend on their children’s Gergi3an makes you scratch your head!

  2. Chirp says:

    My cousin (whos 10) was telling me her friend is renting a Hummer Limo so they can go house to house in it and gargi3.

  3. Adrenaline says:

    Of course it became meaningless, i took this photo today


    What ever happened to the Arabic language?

  4. pumkinah says:

    we had grgi3an party last night but it was kind of traditional, all the babies games where traditional, music and dress code also was typical q80 πŸ˜€ even we let the children sing the famous grgi3an song.. even though we rant a DJ but it was playing all Q80 grgi3an songs πŸ™‚
    so i think we`ve used modern technologies to make a traditional event πŸ™‚