I heard and read a lot of raving reviews and praises from bloggers and friends alike about The Early Bird, and wanted to go there for a long time now but the restaurant’s location and it’s opening times didn’t make it easy for me to try it out sooner, but thanks to bu9ale7’s persistence, we finally managed to pay a visit this weekend.
We wouldn’t have found the place hadn’t our friend been prepared and knew the directions. The place is hidden. It won’t be easy to find, I know I wouldn’t have found it if I were the driver. Anyway, They have a menu-full of breakfast dishes, ranging from the usual omelets and sandwiches to waffles, pancakes and french toasts to the more unfamiliar biscuit & sausage gravy, which is one of their specialties.
We ordered 3 kinds of omelets: The Spanish omelet with hash browns on the side, The ham & cheese omelet and The sausage & bacon with cheese omelet with potatoes on the side. 2 French toasts, 2 black coffees, 1 hot milk, 1 orange juice like Orangina.
enforcing my usual rule “no touching the plates till I’m done taking pictures” was a bit harder than usual this time around. Everything looked delicious and smelled amazing.
^The french toasts were the highlight of the visit to me, and the maple syrup…. I could’ve gorged it down lo mo il7aya.
^The hash browns and sausages on the side. The sausages tasted different. It had this very familiar kind of spice that I just couldn’t name.. I think it’s meramiya (I don’t know it’s english name).
^The spanish omelet. Spicy and full of color.
^This is it, the whole place.
^We were 4 and ordered lots of food. Very reasonable price.
^The people running the show. First from the left was our waitress, then the co-owner/waiter, then finally the owner/chef.
Ok, My opinion about the place. I wanna mention the Bad first:
1-The place is tiny. No, not just tiny, it’s the tiniest restaurant I’ve ever eaten in, (well Wok Master was tinier, but then again wok master is not designed to have customers eating inside). There were 4 places for the customers to sit; two 4-persons table, one 6-persons table and one 2-persons table. We were 4 and shared the 6 persons table with 2 other guys (Which I’m sure were uncomfortable sitting next to us while we’re taking pictures of everything).
2-The location is very hard to find and is over 25 minutes drive from home and 40 minutes drive from the chalet.
The Good:
1-The food is fantastic.
2-The waiters are the best. They were incredibly friendly and nice.
3-Their prices are very reasonable.
4-They have the best maple syrup in ALL OF THE LAND!
All in all, This is THE place to be for breakfast in Kuwait. Don’t miss out.
The Early Bird
Fahaheel, Block 8, St 43.
Tel #23925814
The restaurant is open from 5am to 3pm. Click HERE to view their location on the map. For the restaurant’s website click HERE.
Do they serve real bacon?
Fahaheel, hmm. I really love having breakfast and the food seems gorgeous, but it’s in Fahaheel and the fact that I might have to share a table with someone else is not very enticing too!
Have you tried prime and toast?
Interesting walla
but where are they from ? i mean the waitress ?
I was there this weekend too, it was delicious!
I know I’ll be going there again!
I’ve heard a lot about this place too, the pictures are excellent. thanks for the map btw.
I love it! I agree their service is superb! The food is awesome! I like the fact that its small and cozy though hehehehe!
it was one of the most delicious breakfasts i`ve ever had. thats why i went to it on saturday again lol
the blonde woman on the right is rude.she has an attitiude problem.
this is my favorite place ever in Kuwait for the right breakfast looong time i knew about it. about the timing i think it’s good from 5am till 3 pm!! y3ne every 1 can go there !!.. they chef is from LA, i love their French toast it’s amazing .. my husbend love their pancake it’s really testy … and yes they are very friendly & for me i love the tiny places & cozy … also you have to try Mugg & Bean in al Koot amazing pancake with the cream wow … & the omelette ( i mean only 1 order) their is enough for 3 persons but the prices is high. EB is my place where i love to go in the weekend.
hatheey esemha el kheyanaa el3uthmaa … tan6rouni asafer wetro07o0n
bs 3alikum bil3afyaa ..
shakla eshaweq
nice place for breakfast…i miss Bianca!!
il ma63am 3jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeB lay6oooofkoum
gawak alah yousef
Suliman o ana ele ga3atony men alnoum o segt fekom 1 hour maya36eny al3afya !!!!!
heheheeh … for sure … inta ras il mal bu il fnaaatiq :Pp
akhjaltoum tawatho3na
the food looks delicious! i should really check it out sometime.
I hate to be the only cynic, but I thought that the food was highly overrated and the waitress/ owner was such a racist, she kept saying bad things about our country and this was probably because she met and dealt with a lot of shady characters with her being in Fahaheel and all. But, still this does not justify her blatantly prejudiced remarks. And to top it all off she had this awfully sinister look on her face.
I have to say though; the maple syrup was really really good
that looks really good!
i want to try it
but im never awake early enough!
laa el so2al .. na`6arat mino
Do they actually serve up an early bird discount for breakfast at the Early Bird?
“Mrs. Dickens”. I’m sorry you feel that way. I don’t know how I could have left that impression on you. I have nothing but good things to say about Kuwait otherwise I wouldn’t be here. The way of living here, particularly in Fahaheel, is obviously different than where I come from, and would take time to adjust, but that doesn’t mean I am a racist. Please, feel free to come in sometime so we can talk about this. Thanks.
looks good!
for those who dont know. Bianca is the owner of the resturant and she is the one to the right in the picture and she was very friendly with us when we were taking pictures and reviewing the food on spot.
here’s my hats off to Bianca. I visited Kuwait because of her and had a heartly breakfast at the Early Bird. You guys are lucky to have her there as us Californians miss her!
Let me explain what a “HATER” is. Yesterday there was a blog that was totally offensive and inappropriate. First of all, people complain everywhere they go and it will never cease. I’m American and I have and always will continue to. No offensive but everyone does it and it’s fun. But let’s get some things on point here. We ( Americans ) are here because apparently you ( people in and around Kuwait) could not handle the workload to keep Kuwait afloat. We are the one’s getting up 4 in the morning, we are the one’s working throughout the night, we are the one’s getting shafted on hours, shifts, and plenty of other free-bee’s. We are over here putting OUR lives at risk, you are not. We are away from our family and friends, you are not. We are at risk everytime we make a bad choice and jump on the 30 or any of the other non posted highways. Do you honestly think that we give a shit about you or your stupid ways. Honestly, I’m not trying to hear that twisted ass music at 2:30 in the morning. So the next time you have something to say about the US, or anything that trys to keep us happy, you let me know and we can handle this. Holla at me, you know where I eat ……
Please don’t let this drag into a racism/hating blame game… This post is supposed to be about a restaurant review!
To the Kuwaitis who read Cameron’s remark, I second Abdulmohsen and beg you not to get dragged into a hate America campaign just because one nincompoop obviously woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Cameron, it’s arrogant ignorant people like you that give America a crappy name. I’m Kuwaiti but I care a lot about your country and wish it nothing but success and prosperity. I am happy to have Americans as guests in my country and I am happy to have America as our political ally. Unfortunately, all you’re doing is making your country look like crap and actually adding harm to the reputation of a perfectly good restaurant. Do you want a bunch of Kuwaiti jerks (who would have to be similar in character to you) to come to Early Bird and pick a fight with a random American guy because of your idiotic childish ill-written remarks? Why should Bianca and her staff pay for your need to spew out negativity? If you want to show some guts put your own address instead of implying you eat at the Early Bird. I for one love that restaurant and would like to be able to eat there in peace.
And for God’s sake take some English classes would you I’m Kuwaiti and my English is ten times better than yours. Imbecile.
i know neither Bianca nor any other american would do or same anything close to that jerk. Cameron if you dont like to stay in kuwait just leave no one forced you to stay. Your own greed for cash brought you here. and i think everyone in here is mature enough to understand that this stupid person is trying to start a racism fight but i doubt that any one else would reply to you
Hehehe…”No Offensive”…Sometimes trying to sound smart, when you’re not can have an entirely opposite effect. “I’m American and I have and always will continue to.”… Come on…are you kidding me? What the hell does that even mean? I pray to God you’re a Mexican man-maid that just got the US citizenship via his village grocers Green Card lottery, because there is no added value here buddy. Don’t even try to pass your comment as ebonics or colloquial because damn…Snoop Dog would send your ass back to pre-School. “We’re at risk every time we make a bad choice…” Is it me, or doesn’t that apply in every country/town/or (in words you can understand) pueblo? I’ve wasted entirely too many words (scratch that) characters on you.
Back to Early Bird. I think the size of the place is part of its charm, and I’d even argue the way that they’ll seat you next to complete strangers is reminiscent of some of the places we used to eat in the States. Its true that big groups may have to divide, but the food just makes it worthwhile. Service is typical of the American way, which is “the customer’s always right” combined with “service with a smile” and topped with my favorite “excess, excess, excess”. Keep it up guys…
I have nothing but the best to say about Bianca, the staff, and the Early Bird. The food is outstanding, the place is lovely and energetic, and the staff is friendly, and helpful. For the most part even the customers seem to be of the high quality variety in terms of scruples, morals, and etiquette. Although I always get the same thing every time I go (which Bianca remembers all the little details about how I want my meal prepared), do try the pancakes, they are the one of the best pancakes I have ever had. Also the yogurt is great. You can not go wrong with the entire menu, but I have to give 5 Stars to the pancakes, yogurt, and hash browns.
Oh god! I am beyond embarrassed. I honestly did not mean to start this war of words. Bianca I am sorry, my critique was harsher than I had intended. It is just that I went to your restaurant full of the expectation of reliving my college years and let me just say that I was disappointed. My disappointment clouded my judgment and in turn made me somewhat of a hypocrite. I am the obvious bigot here because I based my judgment on one encounter. You might have had a bad day.
eshsayer ehneeee
ams kan ok
yaya bakteb ya ba5tek eb5a6ry arooo7 ehnak bas ma ag3ad embacher o etha ga3adt many 6agga kel halmeshwar
and now i find weird stuff
wala hatha i ama an american
me no english me this
I’ve only met Bianca this one time and she was nothing but smiles. She left a great impression on me and my friends. Actually one of the best things about this place is how friendly the people are, and I mean all of them, including the customers! (which is a rarity in Kuwait).
Mrs. Dickens You were not just and what you said wasn’t fair in my opinion. Thanks for your second comment though.
Bianca I’m sorry you had to read that. I think you were nothing but genuinely nice to us back there.. One of the best things about the restaurant imo and the thing that left the biggest impression was how friendly the whole staff were. You have a great place that offers something very different and unique and I’m already raving about it to my friends and family. We’ll pass by to have breakfast soon inshallah
Cameron your comment was stupid and uncalled for. but hey, you explained the word HATER and portrayed it pretty nicely there, so, mission accomplished.. I guess.
Moving on. This is a restaurant review guys
Muhammad as in pork? No. Otherwise yes.
Vertigo You can sit on your own table if you called beforehand.
Hasan.B Yes and I reviewed it not so long ago
INM I think the girls were from America, but the guy I’m not sure wallah.
B I’m gonna have to go there for the maple syrup again!
Mathai You’re welcome
Ansam tsadgeen I’m thinking maybe the small size of the place is contributing to the whole experiece…
bo9ale7 yabeela ro7a thanya wallah!
:/ she wasn’t rude to us.
shaima I wanna try their pancakes coz they looked delicious.
HKR kint afakker feek ibkil logma
Pink Girl
Maze yeah a very nice place
Sulaiman egaweeek!
bo9ale7 ay ga3adnaak.. ana mamady gilt aa chan tangiz lol!
dandoon you should wallah
miss ghesquiere and it was!
eshda3wa thats what weekends are for
Ali hatha sirrr!!
Kia Ora err… I don’t think so?
Abdulmohsen Your prediction was on point!
1001Nights barradtay chabdy!
q80saracen you too baradt chabdy!
Daniel I will definitely try the pancakes nexy time i’m there coz it looked delicious! and I couldn’t agree more about what you said about their customers
Joy lol shiftay shloon?
Yousef i dont want to sound like khayeeen !!! bas i tried the pan cakes
when i went again LOL and they are nice
Well i went to the restaurant 3 weeks ago , their sausages were very dry and there was nothing special about their eggs i could have cooked it all at home but i loved their pancackes. I would rather have my breakfast at johnny rockets.
LLOOLL, you THOUGHT it was a restaurant review. It’s the thing about blogging, isn’t it, the most harmless entries can cause a firestorm, and the most daring entries don’t even get a single comment!
GREAT photos. Makes you feel like you are there!
I want the address for the restaurant

waaaaaaaaaaaw shawagtoony