


I just read on Q8BlackMarket’s blog that Hackett has just opened a branch in the Avenues phase II. I only discovered this brand recently and I really like their shirts.



This entry was posted on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 12:18 am

9 Responses to “Hackett in the Avenues”

  1. DVLz says:

    http://www.the-avenues.com <— mo chinah hatha yewafer shwayiat posts 3an el avenues, 3a6na shay yedeed ya 3azeezi we9alna 2009 lol πŸ˜€

  2. Yousef says:

    Kuwait-Moda it is a lot like polo ralph lauren πŸ™‚

    DVLz ba3ad ilwagfa bilbal3oom shloon gayla? πŸ˜› ba3dain tawny dawart bil website ily you provided o didn’t find any mention 3an Hackett ya mal maaako hackett!

  3. TaLaL says:

    heyaaa , wanasa akheran yabooha

  4. Rakaan says:

    Inshallah ma etkoon the next “HABBA” w ykhalloona nekrah el brand !! shway shway 3alaina ;P

  5. Fawaz says:

    Rakan akeed it will …. this is what kuwaities like . πŸ™‚

  6. Delly says:

    Hackett o abercrombie.. ufff habbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :p

  7. Yousef says:

    Talal inhabait feeha nafs il polo ba3algik bi9allaabah!

    Rakaan Allah yaster πŸ˜›

    Fawaz bithab6 πŸ™‚

    Delly abercrombie ily mani fahim qe99at’ha.. china mwaz3eenha balash..

  8. pumkinah says:

    i really love hackett πŸ˜€ 3enda b3ad 7g babies oo 7ada cool πŸ˜€ i bought from uk last sept. for my sisters babies oo 7adhum yshwgon 3lehum πŸ˜€ .. its like polo i think they r the same company bs hatha 7g rugby πŸ™‚ i highly recommend it πŸ™‚