I’ve had a job for just 2 days now and I think I won’t survive to see the weekend.. The waking up, the driving and the staying for almost 8 hours in the same place with a whole new set of new people to interact with is…. How did you do it?
The waking up isn’t the worst part of it, It’s the going to sleep and thinking “oh dear God I have to get up in less than 7 hours… 6 hours.. 4 and half..” that’s killing me.
Speaking of getting up. This morning I happened to get up and the first thing I hear is Hikayat 3alamiya’s theme song (I won’t go into the details) but Waking up to Asalah singing “fee qesaas esho3oooob” is not what I had in mind when they told me you’re gonna hate the getting-up part.. and definitely not the song I want stuck in my head and keep humming all day (which I did). fa yally ibaly.. I don’t want this to happen again. Kapish? 😛
The other thing that makes me very #%@# is the fact that I’m new in the office and I know nothing about everything! I’m very new to all of this and I don’t like being out of the loop.. I hate this learning curve and seriously I want to start working. I don’t want to just keep reading stuff “to get an idea of the work flow.”
I think, hopefully, once I get to know what I’m supposed to do (which I will) and get the hang of it.. I’m gonna enjoy it (that’s what I’d like to believe). I just need to fast forward to 3 months from now.