


It says there are 11 human faces in this picture and the normal guy can figure out 5 of the 11 .. So how many you can get ? 🙂


This entry was posted on Friday, February 13th, 2009 at 12:02 am

15 Responses to “How Many Faces You can Figure Out?”

  1. Mohd says:

    I saw all 11 of them! :} honestly

  2. HKR says:

    legait 7 … bss e6la3at 3youni … elsora wayed feha details wesghera .. t3awer le3youn ;S

  3. sugar says:

    7ata ana i saw 11!!!!!! il faces to the left can form 6 faces alone;P

  4. Anonymous says:

    Found those 11 faces as highlighted in the attached file plus a bonus face if you want to consider that “jigsaw” face in the brown circle 🙂


  5. Hamad says:

    i found 10 w malait bas

  6. jingo says:

    Found 10, reminded me of Gradius stage 2 for some reason.

  7. RaZ says:

    Anonymous: there is one between the yellow and red also you missed !

  8. Nasser says:

    Got’em all 😛

  9. Yousef says:

    I got 12.. is it possible?

  10. Mishary says:

    Yousef Laa hatha chathaab ya3ni 😛

  11. Miss Kuwait says:

    Got 11 😀

  12. Khaled says:

    I can’t believe I got 10 😛