

So the company my cousin works for had a seminar yesterday and they provided the attendees with this very nice and efficient device. My cousin was nice enough to give it to me so I could share it with you guys.

Plug it can be connected to your mobile phone, in my case my blackberry, through the usb slot and the other end to the computer, to either charge the mobile or transfer data.

^You see the gray plastic chip popping out? You can insert your memory card in there and then plug it in your laptop; works as a card reader as well.

I love this thing. It costs KD5 and you can can order it through this local website HERE.

Thanks Fawaz


This entry was posted on Monday, March 16th, 2009 at 6:40 pm

5 Responses to “Plug it”

  1. Intlxpatr says:

    Very cool new tool, very handy, reasonable price, too. 🙂

    Yousef, how is your new job going? Is the schedule getting any easier? Are you still sleeping all the time? You are hardly blogging at al and we miss you!

  2. B says:

    That would be so handy to have, especially for the Blackberry! the battery runs out very fast, it’s annoying!

  3. Marzouq says:

    That is a really cool idea! Especially for Blackberry users!

  4. Yousef says:

    Intlxpatr wallah it’s going fine thanks 🙂 I’m getting used to it and started not to ask as many questions as I used to.. still tough timing though.. the waking up and going to sleep isn’t getting any easier.. hey thanks for asking 🙂

  5. shosho says:

    i was there i got the one for nokia didnt try it yet