

Shot some ants carrying their lunch the other day. Used the 100mm Macro lens.


This entry was posted on Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 12:28 am

10 Responses to “Ants carrying a fly”

  1. INM says:

    How clear we can see the fly’s eyes!

  2. Marzouq says:

    Ants take over the world! lol

  3. Abdullah says:

    Yousef, THATS N.A.S.T.Y !! LOL but i love it !

  4. eleventhst says:

    Really cool shots! Ants are awesome!

  5. eshda3wa says:

    ants r just amazing!

    i cant kill em!

  6. B says:

    Great shots!

  7. um-mit3ib says:

    yousef alah ehadeek hadait ildinya kilaha w jabalt thibana w namla;p?

  8. Yousef says:

    3ayal il Macro shareeha minlah? sij sij ma3indich 7iss photography bataatan 😛

  9. um-mit3ib says:

    sawer khatam
    sawer warda
    sawer farashaaaaa

    thiban w namel yaklon ba3ath LAAAA

  10. 7adda Inferno for some reason.