INM just brought with him a New Twix ,which is Twix White ,a mix of white chocolate, caramel and biscuit, limited edition,it was found in City Center , I don’t know if it available in any co-op .
Posted by BlackBerry
This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 26th, 2009 at 9:33 pm
iliked it , what about you?
You can find it @ the sultan center Hawali not sure about the rest
تحصله بفرع الفحيحيل بعد، دايما أشتريه من هناك 🙂
walla i didnt like it not that much tasty
My husband bought it for me from a co-op, either Mishref or Jabriya im not sure but one of those two…
Yet it is completly not worth eating… too heavy, tastes too creamy o yeqeth
i liked the dark chocolate twix available before it … much better o actually you can relate to it as twix, unlike that white one…
yabela enjarebha ..
wala majarabtaa bs a7esa latheeth!
it looks weird!!!!
Jam3eyat el Yarmouk have a special section for it.
hmmm mayshaji3! Try it o let us know how good/bad it is
That just looks weird!
Its been out for awhile now… i bought it from sultan center sharq around december if not earlier than that… Its not bad.. the original twix has always been my favorite… The candy bar i’ve been dying to try is the kitkat chunky cookie edition which i believe you posted about awhile back but i never got ahold of it 🙁
today i saw it in ROWDA Co-Op