I’ve always had this question in mind while traveling, and now since its travels time for most of us, please do tell how you deal with this issue:
While traveling, do you do your prayers as usual? Do you shorten and combine them (Jam3 o Qaser? Or does it depend on how long your stay abroad is?
To me, I’ve asked around a lot and came up with my own collective answer: I combine and shorten the prayers if the trip is for less than 10 days. If its more, I just combine them.
I think you can shorten and combine the no matter how long your stay is as long as you don’t have an exact date of return.
But I do almost exactly as you do. I just combine if it’s a long stay.
A firend of mine told me that If you will stay 5 days then you can shorten and combine if it more then you do your pray normal as you are in your country without combine them.
Um…first of all be4 traveling search for the prayer timings of that country then if its 3days or less then u can do jam3 oo qa9r if more then mayzoj taq9r bss etha meth6ar then ijma3:P hope it helped… Kelish kelish we used to pray in a changing room bel mall 3ashan mat6ofna il 9alat if we were far from the hotel in a non muslim country:P
Um…first of all be4 traveling search for the prayer timings of that country then if its 3days or less then u can do jam3 oo qa9r if more then mayzoj taq9r bss etha meth6ar then ijma3:P hope it helped… Kelish kelish we used to pray in a changing room bel mall 3ashan mat6ofna il 9alat if we were far from the hotel in a non muslim country:P
Bss jame3..i think oo allah o a3lam..ena jame3 oo tag9eer its for a trip 3 days or less ..
this issue is actually very importatn to me, i’ve also asked around adn came up with my answer which is to be in the safe side:
– if the travel is three days “jam3 o ga9er”
– if the travel is 4 days or more “jam3”
i’ve also encountered sometimes when you are out all day and dont have time to go to hotel and pray as a woman my self i keep my “milfa3” with me at all times or sometimes just bring a shawl if i am whering somthein long and pray at any fitting room in any store.
and if i am at the beach i would pray right then and there….. at first i thought that people would look at me in a funny way but when i actually prayed no one gave a damn..
anyway what i am trying to say is that there is no reason for anyone to skip any prayers when they are abroad because there is always a way 😉
Combine and shorten if its less then 5 days.. if its more then I pray normally and combine 🙂
A question to make one think more criticaly:
how does one pray or know when ramathan is, When one is on a NASA mission in a spacecraft. Or even on the moon!!
They say that soon the earth will not be able to support life since it’s becoming thinned by humans, so they are looking for way in which humans can populate other planets. What happens then???
i spoke to DR. Adel AL Mutarat (teacher in shrea’a) what he told me is that
you combine & shorten your prayer if you are out of your country and in sauna they didn’t mansion the timing of the trip. therefor if your out of the country and your staying in a country that’s not yours AND WILLING TO GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY when you finish your business then you should combine & shorten the prayer of your full stay…
but he also had mansion regarding the combining … its much butter to pray on the time ya3ni don’t combine IF YOUR STAYING FOR LONGER PERIOD…
How do you pray or know when ramathan is when you are on the moon or on a NASA spacestation??
They say they are looking for other planets in which humans can populate since earth one day will be unfit for human life due to environment and climate changes, ozone layer, polution etc… What then??
قصر الصلاة متعلق بالسفر فما دام الإنسان مسافراً فإنه يشرع له قصر الصلاة
سواء كان سفره نادراً أم دائماً إذا كان له وطن يأوي إليه ويعرف أنه وطنه.
Same question for hajj.
Guys there’s this website I’ve been using for years for these kinds of questions and I love it because I feel it’s very thorough and has a sizable “fatwa bank” where you can search for just about any question you have. This is it: http://www.islamonline.net/completesearch/english/CounsellorSearch.asp?hID=0
As for your particular question this is one of the responses offered:
Oh sorry one more thing, regarding praying abroad they sell these compasses in Hawali that are supposed to show you which direction you can pray. So even if you decide to pray inside a mall’s changing room it’s a small compass you can carry around with you. I think the street where they can be found is the same one where Muahllab is but closer to the fire station so like somewhere in front of the fire station.
what if you are on the moon?
Yes.. What if you permenantly choose to work and live in the international space station???
i ask my dad and he explains 😛 lol but ya i think its shorten and combine … not sure about the “how many days” though ..
fi katha ejaba according to el mellah ele tetb3ha ( maliki ,7anbali, shafe3i ..etc ) but as far as i know enna as long as ur going for a spesific amount of time and not working or staying permanently in that country then u can combine and qa9r of course el fajer should be on there local time and el maghrb no qa9er only jam3 and jam3 ema tqdeem or t2kheer .. even on the moon people should pray ! no matter where ! and the time always associated with the sun movement . ma tqa3 el 9alat 3la ensan ela if he dies or lost his mind! el 7mdelah 3la ne3mat el 3agel 😀
you can shorten and combine the no matter how long your stay is as long as you don’t have an exact date of return.
please dont get mad or anything and please dont start flaming me or others. this is my opinion and everyone is entitled for one. if im wrong im wrong and if i am right im right.
what i think :
Prying is something you can do at anytime and anywhere doesnt have to be on a certain positioned to anywhere. Praying is something you do to thank and respect God, also to ask for forgiveness and to do your duties as a human.
about travel. to be honest there is no such thing as travel at this time and age. with modern aircrafts you can be across the world in mer hrs. so just start praying when you land whats the big deal ?