
Don’t you think it’s funny that we wash the orange’s outer skin before eating what’s inside, But we don’t wash a soda can before sucking on it?

I didn’t know there was a restaurant at The One in marina mall till HBZ mentioned it to me. We went there and had a mushroom soup, a burger, and a pasta dish.
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CarFinder, now available for BlackBerry devices, it automatically remembers where you parked your car. The application, which works on all BlackBerry GPS enabled devices, remembers where you parked so you only need to launch the application to find your vehicle.

I was reading confashion’s blog and found out that Vila Moda Al-Manshar will be replaced by their Warehouse, which i think its a good move from Vila Moda because i dont think it’s worth the ride there , but with this change i think i might have a look there inshallah soon.

I got this in an email from a friend and at first I thought it was a joke, but then after some googling, turned out the Goateesaver is real. You can save your goatee by using this product. It help save time and spare you the undesired uneven-goatee look. Here is the amazon LINK incase you’re interested.
Thanks HKR

We chose the dead sea just because it was the only destination available at the time; all the other places we’re either fully booked or insanely expensive for a last minute decision. And the last time we’d been on a trip, we’d to buy AK 47 rifles from Palmetto State Armory and some other rifles in order to go on a hunt in a nearby woods. We didn’t know anything about the dead sea except for the pictures we saw at the last minute. We did not expect to love the trip this much!
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As I was packing my stuff for last weekend’s trip, I wanted to make sure that I had my camera and all of my 3 batteries charged and ready. The problem was, I couldn’t find the camera! It was a new expensive one I’d bought off of the internet after having it reviewed on www.unclutterer.com. I looked everywhere in the house. I looked in my car, in my friend’s car and even asked my cousins whether they’ve it at the chalet this past weekend or not, but no, it was no where to be found. I was furious.. it was only hours before the flight! Don’t you hate it when things like that happen when you’re in a hurry?
My friend and I started thinking about the last places we’ve been to where I used the camera. We agreed that I last used it at The One restaurant at marina mall (for review purpose), and I called them, the lady was very helpful and genuinely concerned. They searched and she called later apologizing for not finding it.
Then we remembered that we went to Vavavoom right after having lunch at The One. I called Alshaya group at marina.. and BINGO! They found it and kept it safe for 2 weeks for someone to come and collect it! They were great and very nice too. I wouldn’t have thought that I could find a camera that was lost for 2 weeks.. This is very unlike me to be so careless.. especially that the bag contained the camera and all of my lenses.
Thanks Vavavoom!

Yes, According to Jordan’s TV Saudi Arabia will not allow old people along with the kids to do Hajj this year, this prevention will insure that the Swine flu virus will not get spread. and its part of their preventive plan for this year which is already made by the Health Ministry.

I’m back! Burned and peeling 😀
Seriously I’ve never been sun burned like this before.. it hurts! I bought an after sun cream and it’s not working. I can’t move and can’t turn, and it took me well over 5 minutes to wear a shirt!
Anyway, the trip was amazing, You’ve got to visit the dead sea, it’s beautiful and luxurious. Go to Kempinski, not to movenpick and not Mariott (saw them both and they don’t hold a candle next to Kempinski). Oh and You might wanna skip everything that is not IN the hotel.. Amman and the surrounding areas are kind of dull.
I’m going to write a big post with lots of pictures about the dead sea soon, so stay tuned.

If you’re a Nintendo Game and Watch collector, we’ve got just the eBay auction for you. Unfortunately, you’ll have to pay KD3,160 for the collection plus you have to pay KD60 for shipping. I think Mark gonna love this.
Auction page.

We posted earlier about the what we thought a new leaked software for the Blackberry messenger, but I guess we all know about that fake/corrupted file and how it contains many bugs, and in some cases fatal ones.
However, there is a solution..
1. Then go to Options - Adv. Options - Apps - highlight BBM 5.0, press the menu key and delete it on your phone.
2. From there, connect your device to a PC, launch DM (Desktop Manager), go into APP LOADER (settings or options) and click bb messenger 4.6.0. Click next and it should install the previous version on your device that says (downgrade, not preferred) unclick bbm 5.0 if it comes up.
3. Then when u do that, do step 3. again but this time click preferred, that'll update ur phone back to before, just w/o that new bbm.
Thats it 🙂

Rumors have been circulating about the acquisition of Zain’s african assets by Vivendi. Our source told us that Vivendi has backed out and stopped the negotiations. However, other operators have expressed interest and Zain are considering potentials deals and will only accept offers that increase Zain’s shareholders value.
An official announcement by Zain will be out about this matter soon, to put an end to the speculations.
Another source just told me that one of the upper management at Zain is planning a trip to europe, to try to get one of Vivendi’s main rivals to be a strategic partner by offering them a 25%, or above, share of their african assets.

Just got these pictures from BBM and they said that Mishref’s GUST caught on fire at 9:30 am this morning .. Does anyone know if it’s true?
Thanks Ali
Turned out that nothing is wrong with GUST but the Mosque behind it had caught fire. Hopefully they were able to contain it and no one got harmed.

I’ll be going to Jordan this weekend. To the dead sea to be specific. We booked a hotel by the sea.
This is going to be my first visit to Jordan and my friend hasn’t been there either. We’re going there mainly for relaxation. The daily routine is killing us and we need a change. We’ll try and enjoy the sea, swimming, mud stuff, relaxation and massages… basically minimum muscle movements.
Then I think we’ll go discover other interesting places in Jordan. We’re looking for old souks, old streets.. you know get an idea about the culture and ofcourse the food.
You may ask why the dead sea? why Jordan? well.. Because the lovely people of Kuwait left us no other options! all the tickets are booked for this weekend! 😛

While waiting her taxi from Vegas airport to hotel (besides, if you travel to Vegas check hotels here) my friend saw this machine when he was in the states. This has got to be the coolest vending machine I’ve seen so far. I don’t think it’d do great in Kuwait but I think it’d be fun to have it here.
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We used to get sms’s from Bu Rashid’s service but since the last week I didn’t get any sms .. I heard that he’s currently outside the country but anyone got the answer? Is this the end of Bu Rashid’s service?
Here is the answer from Bu Rashid:
مشكورين على سؤالكم وإستفساركم
أنا قطعت رحلة مراجعات ولدي الطبية في بوسطن ورجعت مخصوص من أحل إنهاء الإشكال اللي الحاصل بالخدمة.
أرجوكم عدم نشر أي توقعات عن سبب إيقاف الخدمة لأنه هالشي رح يضرمارح يفيد
وإنشالله يومين وتنحل السالفة
والموضوع بكل بساطة في سوء فهم صاير وبغذن الله سيتم توضيحه للجميع بأقرب فرصة
تحياتي لكم جميعاآ
أخوكم/ ثامر الدخيل


For the Blackberry owners, get your copy now for the new BBM 5.0 I’ve just installed it on my curve its really amazing and working like a charm,
The new features in the new BBM 5.0
1. Complete new layout.
2. You can put a picture like MSN messenger.
3. longer voice recording.
4. PIN barcode scanning.
5. Backup/Restore Messenger list to microSD card, so when you upgrade your mobile your contact they wont be deleted.
To download BBM 5.0 click HERE for the BOLD version and HERE for the Curve version.
Thanks Ali
Here is a new link for the 8900 ONLY.
Thanks Blushberry

My friend was out today to buy 2 Blackberries, both are exactly the same but had 2 different prices. He was surprised since they were identical, and when he asked the seller for the reason, the seller told him that one of them had a nice BB PIN number. No joke! An extra KD10 for the the phone with the nicer PIN.
P.S. The picture above isn’t mine 🙂