

Received My New Smart Civil ID_11

I got it at the airport right after coming back from my trip, its really good in quality compared to the old one, and it looks good with the smart chip which Yousef’s wrote about it long back Here. And if you notice the GCC logo is attached on the back of the card itself.

Oh and by the way, if your current old ID is still valid, you can’t replace it with the new one due to the amount of people and the long queues.

you can find more details about it Here


This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 at 10:32 pm

8 Responses to “Received My New Smart Civil ID”

  1. Marzouq says:

    Looks pretty good!

  2. Katuka says:

    There goes our privacy

  3. Pointer says:

    Remove the MOI Reference

  4. ban1 says:

    waied shaklha a7sen mn el old one , yegloon hathy t9eer waied ashel mn gadeema because there is chip

  5. Mishary says:

    Pointer, Yousef did it .. tanks Yousef 🙂

  6. Mahbob says:

    Congratulations 😉

  7. Intlxpatr says:

    LOL, Mishary, you shared a lot of information with us! Yikes! You are my blood brother; I am also B+, we are a rare breed. 🙂